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Wikileaks – Where is the Case Against Assange?

The case against Julian Assange is all about exposing the truth that goes on behind the curtain. There has NEVER been any allegation that the information he has released was false. Even the emails from the Democrats that they blame on hacking by Russians have NEVER been denied as fake. All of the information that […]

ECM Day is Here

  The Economic Confidence Model has marked specific highs and lows in markets to the very day at times depending upon the shifts in capital flows. Why has the business cycle been masked in complexity that has prevented many from comprehending how it functions? I believe this is the result of the average person always […]

Capital Flows & the Next ECM

QUESTION: Sir, You have advised us to avoid sovereign debt after the ECM date. I imagine that the crisis will affect nations unequally. It seems obvious that money would leave bonds in the more challenged, negative rate countries (EU and Japan). Might these flows come into US Treasuries, thereby stabilizing US rates, at least short-term? […]

The Climate Change of the 1840s

QUESTION: OK, you have shown articles from the 1930s and 1970s where they talked about climate change. So are you saying that people have always been talking about climate change for decades? This is not something new I presume. SK ANSWER: The climate has always changed. Even during the 1840s when there was a major […]

Market Talk – January 10, 2020

ASIA: Apple saw a huge boost in iPhone sales in China last month, but embattled tech giant Huawei won’t giving up the top spot anytime soon. Sales for the iPhone jumped 18% in December compared to the same month a year earlier, according to data from the China Academy of Information and Communication Technology. The […]

Market Talk – January 9, 2020

ASIA: The United States and China continued trade talks in Beijing for an unscheduled third day, US officials said. There are signs of progress on issues including purchases of US farm and energy commodities and increased access to China’s markets. People familiar with the talks said the world’s two largest economies were further apart on […]

Can Central Banks Ever Control Long-Term Rates?

QUESTION: Marty, you said that central banks can only control short-term rates not long-term. Do you see a scenario where they could control the long-term rates? Thank you for your insight DH ANSWER: If you ASSUME that there is a free market, then the answer is no possible way. Under a hybrid market, a central […]

How Will Europe Respond to Being the Source of the Crisis?

QUESTION: Dear Martin, You have discussed the structural design flaw in the euro being due to the lack of consolidation of EU countries’ debt, as well as, EU policies that prohibit bank bailouts. Why could EU policies regarding the prohibition of bank bailouts just not be changed to allow for bailouts? If I understand correctly, […]

The Decline & Fall of Religion?

In truth, everything has its cycle. There is no escaping this reality upon which the entire universe was created. There has been a steady decline in church membership which has been consistent with perhaps the politically correct movement with the broader societal trends that also manifest in the declining church attendance. There appears to be […]

REPO Crisis

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I just finished reading the Repo Report. I understand why you are reluctant to discuss this publicly when no one else seems to understand what is taking place. I was referred to it by a friend who is on the board of another company. He informed me that many regard you as […]