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Crude Oil – Gasoline falls BELOW $3

  Crude oil has fallen to the $80 area and a monthly closing below $78 will signal a sharp drop into the $60 zone is likely. The long-term support actually begins at $57 and the major support which held previously is still there at the $32-31 zone. While we have the intraday high in 2008, […]

Analysis v Funds Management

COMMENT: Hi Martin, I appreciate all the work that you put into your daily blog and your computer database etc, but I do get a little annoyed when you use phrases that include the words “could”, “perhaps”, “maybe” and such guarded words in the context of market predictions.  We all know that the market “could” […]

Precious Metals Dead or Deader?

QUESTION: Hi Martin, Thinking in terms of Capital Flows, would it be appropriate to say that gold & silver are falling because the dollar is rising, the Euro is falling and some states need to sell gold to cover their bond exposure? Best, -M ANSWER: Yes. The dollar is rising and this will have a positive […]

The New Real Estate Bubble – Or Something Else Is Going On?

With the Economic Confidence Model peak in 2007.15 (February 26th, 2007), that turning point marked the very day of the high in the Case-Shiller Real Estate Index. However, it also market the precise day of the infamous sale at the top of Goldman Sachs’ notorious ABACUS 2007-AC1 $2 billion Synthetic CDO. Indeed, Goldman Sachs was later […]


The assumption of the hyperinflationists has been that governments will just print to meet their obligations. That theory is based upon revolutionary government who CANNOT SELL debt to anyone. In the case of the West, we issue debt and because of that, the first effort is to meet the demands of bond-holders. That is only […]

Something Is Dangerously Wrong at the New York Fed

In a speech this week, New York Federal Reserve Board President William Dudley addressed pervasive misconduct within the financial industry, refusing to dismissively lay the blame on a few bad apples. “The problems originate from the culture of the firms, and this culture is largely shaped by the firms’ leadership,” Dudley said. He offered some interesting suggestions on industry compensation practices, […]

Once a Government Program Starts – It Never Ends

World War II created the vast military-complex. Once that was created, they used the threat of Communism to expand. Indeed, Communism was the battle cry for both the Korean and Vietnam Wars. The discovery of Eisenhower’s notes on his famous Farewell Speech of January 17, 1961, which were discovered only in 2011, illustrate that this […]

Danger of Conspiracy Theories

  If you want to hide something in plain view, exaggerate it to the point it becomes extreme and convert it to a conspiracy theory. This is a very standard in how to create propaganda and if you keep saying a lie, its becomes the truth to many without ever having to prove anything. To […]

Obama May go down as Worst President in History

It is interesting to watch how the Democrats try to distance themselves from Obama. He may go down as the absolute worst president in history. One has to ask was this some sort of plot to make sure no black president will ever be elected again? Is Obama really in charge? Perhaps they just hand […]

The Dow October 22, 2014 & Bond Bubble

  The resistance in the Dow Jones Industrial Index for today stands in the mid 16700 zone on a technical basis. Targets in time for this week were Wed and Friday with the latter being the main target. ONLY a closing back above 17010 would signal that the low is in place for a broader term. […]