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Why We will Go to War with Russia

The latest headline to appear in the German Press – “Putin confidant: There will be war in Europe” Indeed, our own back-door channels are red hot. It seems many people are well aware of our model on the Cycle of War and have been lighting up my phone. I knew people always wanted to know […]

Money – Assets Bubbles – Reality

A lot of questions have been coming in about the Fed and Asset Bubbles. Quite frankly, the nonsense that the Fed creates them to hide the decay in the US monetary system is not much different from the analysis of global warming. Asset bubbles have existed from ancient times long before central banks existed. There […]

War Against the Rich – Age Old Battle

The battle of class warfare has been raging for thousands of years. This is nothing new and it has tended to end is sheer disaster without exception. Basil II (b 958; 976–1025) really set the decline and fall of the Byzantine Empire in motion by engaging in such class-warfare to win popularity. Just as government desperately needs money […]

Stockman v Greenspan – Just Absurd

  Greenspan says bubbles can’t be stopped without ‘crunch’ Stockman: C’mon Alan! Bubbles Are Caused By Central Bankers, Not “Human Nature David Stockman is clearly still a politician who blames central bankers to the point he is just way out of touch. Stockman fails to even understand the global capital flows and harps on 1987 […]

Wikipedia – A Propaganda Tool?

Quite frankly, the problem  with Wikipedia has been its very design. The idea of Wikipedia that its open forum promotes content assumes honesty and quite frankly such a forum dies not exist. Wikipedia should be closed to politics and living persons for therein lies turning this forum into just a propaganda tool. Wikipedia has become a political […]

A Market Recap

  The Markets are being bombarded from every direction fundamentally. The confusion is rising and so will the volatility. The euro is gradually declining, the stock market keeps holding, gold really cannot get out of its own way, and the 10 year rates remain low even in Germany. Capital is confused every which way from […]

Etruscan Coinage

The origin of Etruscan bronze coinage is curious and interesting. The Etruscans were very low to adopt coinage and hence the real use of a medium of exchange in central Italy remained crude lumps of bronze known as the pre-coinage aes rude ingots, or lumps and ramo secco and plain bronze bars. This formed the […]

Snowden & Dropbox

Edward Snowden’s war against the usurpation of all privacy continues. In an interview by the Guardian on the subject of file storage, he warns the Dropbox, the cloud storage firm with over 200 million users, is “hostile to privacy,” and urged people to switch to what he calls more-secure storage of SpiderOak. Dropbox has added […]

Australia First to Stop Global Warming Taxes

Australia is the first country to reverse this propaganda Global Warming Tax in the world. The data have been manipulated all to justify new taxes and a herd of new bureaucrats to collect and audit such taxes. This has been the greatest propaganda and the scientists who have been on board are doing so ONLY […]

Understanding the Extremes on Both Sides

To make this perfectly clear, extreme views on the left or the right end up meeting in the same back parking lot where they agree the people are the great unwashed and are too stupid to see they need to be manipulated and controlled. In Europe, so-called democratically elected representative lie their ass off to […]