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Awesome Putin – Russian Solders Appear in Ukraine

QUESTION: Hey Marty, Don’t you think that Obama has played Ukraine right? In my opinion, he has done the right thing by not going anywhere near a “putting boots on the ground” scenario. I can not help but think that the hype is completely wrong about Putin only getting involved in Ukraine because he views […]

Australia – A Fresh Look at Down-Under

QUESTION: Dear Martin, I firstly wanted to commend you for all the valuable information contained in your website and for your vigilance and generosity in providing this free of charge.  I met you at a Seminar in Surfer’s Paradise, Queensland some years ago with Jack Houghton.  I had invested in your Australian gold fund and […]

Track Record & Hedge Fund Manager of the Year

  Martin Armstrong was named Economist of the Decade & Hedge Fund Manager of the Year Financial risks have always existed wherever trade has been undertaken. However, the extent to which they have been identified, quantified and controlled has varied tremendously. Some well-publicized losses have been incurred by both financial and non-financial organisations around the […]


QUESTION: Mr Armstrong, first let me thank you for the wonderful service you are performing to common people like me. I used to be strong believer of conspiracy theories and a gold bug but something did feel right until you came along and explained how things really worked. I’m an Indian software professional working for […]

Constantine Saint or just another Political Fraud?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I read your take on Constantine that he was just another politician who told his troops he saw a vision in the sky. He then had his troops put crosses on their shields because he faced an army twice his size and that his opponent was Christian who built the first Christian […]

Will Government Confiscate Assets

QUESTION: If the public is racing to buy assets (real estate, coins, etc) will the government not try and confiscate everything we have, for the good of us all, to “help with our debt”? Thanks. SD ANSWER: There is no real precedent for confiscating everything other than communism and the crazy antics of Maximinus, who they […]

The Death of Representative Government – The Real Conspiracy – Crisis in Democracy

While people contrive secret groups that seek world domination, the real threat we have is directly in front of us – it is Republican Governments that masquerade as Democracies and are as evil as the Roman Republic that caused the civil war. The propaganda against Julius Caesar has survived to this day and has wrongly […]

Understanding the New Era we Face – No More General Terms Apply

QUESTION:  In regards to the “Crash or Collapse” post you just put up, we kind of wonder what you meant when you wrote at the end “This will not be like anything seen in past 200 years” We were wondering, was that in regards to a crashing market or crashing Bond market? I thought you said in […]

Uprising Against Corruption is the Global Trend – Get Use to It

Anyone who thinks that Ukraine was just a CIA plot is honestly in serious denial and are blind to the real trend afoot. All governments are declining into corruption on a massive scale and this is reflected in their rising demands for taxation. The American Revolution was – No Taxation without Representation. That is the […]

Federal Reserve Act of December 23, 1913

  The Federal Reserve Act of December 23, 1913 authorized the first issue of Federal Reserve Bank Notes. All denominations were issued from 5 to 10,000 Dollars. The notes from 5 to 100 Dollars are series of 1914. The higher denomination notes from 500 to 10,000 Dollars are series of 1918. With the establishment of […]