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The Secret Agenda

During the late 1970s, I was chairman of the American Gold Council for one year. I had to fly around the USA and do a media tour. It taught me a lot about how it is done. You fly into a city and you do the newspapers, radio, and TV shows. You hop on the […]

Thomas Piketty – Another Economist on the loose out to DESTROY the World as We Know it.

Just what we need – another economist with ZERO real work experience. The latest economist destined to destroy the world in the same manner as Karl Marx is Thomas Piketty and his new book Capital in the Twenty-First Century that is destined to perhaps kill more people than Marx ever did. Piketty is only focused on the […]

Wealth of a Nation

QUESTION: You recently said that the wealth of a nation is not its gold. How can you justify that? B ANSWER: Sorry. Gold was a Western thing – not East. China never issued gold coins, so does that mean they should not exist? When war takes places, Britain abandoned the gold standard as did the […]

GMW v Market Forecasting & ECM

 There are three complete different core models that we are employing that are absolutely totally unique and the interesting thing is when they CONVERGE – not that they have anything in common otherwise. The Economic Confidence Model is a business cycle and that has been tested back to at least 600BC. It shows the rise […]

Socialism at its Best – How to Destroy the Wealth of a Nation

COMMENT:  Marty, You know there is tax competition amongst states and cities in Switzerland which lead to great results once in terms of efficiency and therefore attracting people to take their families and move to states with lower taxation. Often quite outside of the metropoles so also helping to populate remote parts of the country. […]

SEC Lawyer confirm Gov’t Will Do Nothing to Big Institutions EVER!!!! American Corruption at its finest

Retiring SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) trial attorney James Kidney blasted the SEC telling the truth from the inside that his bosses were too “tentative and fearful” to bring many Wall Street leaders to heel after the 2008 credit crisis. This is what everyone knows, including journalists, but nobody will speak publicly about this mess. They […]

Inflation/Deflation Reality Check – Understanding the Rules of the Game

QUESTION:  I compliment you on your recent blogs about inflation/deflation. The blogs were instructive, and you had no agenda other than providing your best understanding of the topic. That cannot be said for all of the heavyweight government spokespersons that make public (mis)statements about this most basic economic process. My comprehension from reading your blog […]

Panic Cycles of March/April

The Panic Cycles have been hitting going into the end of March/early April. This is generally showing shifts in trend near-term but more so that capital is really getting confused where to go. Panic Cycles are defined in the Array as either an outside reversal up/down or large move in one direction. We will be […]

The Man Who Thought He Was King And Wants to Rule The World – Harry Reid’s July 1st 2014 Anti-Freedom Act

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; there is a lot of hype from the gold bugs that the dollar will collapse July 1st because of the new FATCA reporting requirements. Is there any truth to this for I cannot see how this is possible with all the geopolitical events. And the banks have been chasing Americans out in advance […]

Inflation is not Always Caused by Change in Money Supply – Deflation is Engulfing Europe

COMMENT: Marty; I have to say this was the best conference you have done since 2011. It was the most organized and the live demo of talking to the website was unbelievable. The film clip you showed on cycles was amazing illustrating the hidden order within the nature of all things. However, I do not […]