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The Federal Reserve: Part II

  The amount of propaganda against the Federal Reserve is incredible. What we must keep in mind is that its original design, which lasted for about one year, was brilliant. The classic banking model, borrowing from depositors on a demand basis and lending long-term making a profit on the spread in interest rates, such as […]

The Federal Reserve: Part I “The Creature from Jekyll Island”

QUESTION: Hello Martin- Great work and I wish you the best. One question regarding your recent email alerts from your blog in regards to the “money out of thin air” discussion that was/is going on. What is your opinion on how G. Edward Griffen’s book, “The Creature From Jekyll Island”, relates to the discussion on […]

Federal Reserve Confusion

A number of people seem to be confused about why the Fed will be forced to raise rates. FIRST you must understand that the ORIGINAL structure of the Fed pre-1935 was that each branch was independent. The design was initially set to be a group of banks who would pool together to stabilize the banking […]

Warren Leads Charge Against the Federal Reserve & Wall Street Banker’s Days R Numbered?

Senator Elizabeth Warren is leading the charge against the Federal Reserve being too close to the bankers in a Hearing on Fed Accountability and Reform in the Senate. This week, the Senate Banking Committee held the first of its hearings on widespread demands to reform the Federal Reserve to make it more transparent and accountable. […]

Federal Reserve Act of December 23, 1913

  The Federal Reserve Act of December 23, 1913 authorized the first issue of Federal Reserve Bank Notes. All denominations were issued from 5 to 10,000 Dollars. The notes from 5 to 100 Dollars are series of 1914. The higher denomination notes from 500 to 10,000 Dollars are series of 1918. With the establishment of […]

US Bank Reserves 10% – EU Bank Reserves 1%

QUESTION: What mechanism prevents banks from creating fraudulent electronic deposits of currency? As an IT systems admin, I have the ability to add / subtract / adjust ERP systems inventory / costing outside the normal users ability. I could add widgets to the system at will, but fraud can’t be sustained very long, as the […]

Erdogan Recalls Gold Reserves from New York Fed – Is He Preparing for War?

The Turkish government has withdrawn its reserves of gold from the Federal Reserve. Erdogan clearly is positioning himself to be able to seek its own power that will be contrary to international policy. Erdogan is one of those politicians who still think in the old days of Empire. As a member of NATO, he has constantly been […]

Judges Changing Transcripts in Federal Court Manhattan

A lot of people have in inquiring about changing transcripts by judges in federal court in Manhattan. Some have reported it is taking place in other courts now. Corruption is consuming the Judiciary and we have no power to stop it. The rule of law has been so destroyed that those in the legal profession […]

Debt & Reserve Currency

QUESTION: Marty, Would nations still issue debt in the reserve currency or their local currency? If countries issued debt in the reserve currency, wouldn’t that be the same problem you have pointed out with the euro? You have made it clear that debt is the great destroyer of civilization. It seems that this is the […]

The Real Reason why the Constitution Preserved the Militia & Right to Retain Arms

Martin E. Dempsey (b; March 14, 1952) is the 18th Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. He has come out and stated that while he has been in communication with his military counterparts in Russia, he is also making it very clear that the U.S. military will respond militarily if necessary. He has gone on […]