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BitCoin Crash

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; I am very impressed. Socrates called the high in BitCoin and Thursday it wrote: “As of the close of Thu. Dec. 21, 2017: Our immediate trend model is bearish as are our momentum models so we should still expect a retest of support. Projected technical Resistance stands tomorrow at 1626085, 1626085, 1626085 […]

Bitcoin = Money, Commodity, or Shares?

QUESTION: I read your article on Bitcoin. I found it fascinating that defining what it is changes everything. You did not actually say what you thought it was, money, stock, or a commodity. Curious as to what you would classify Bitcoin as. All the best ANSWER: The definitions I presented are from the government perspective […]

Bitcoin To Be or Not to Be?

QUESTION: Hi Martin, Despite the Bitcoin fanboys arguing that Bitcoin is untouchable by governments, would you agree that once governments, in particular, the Chinese government, make it unlawful to own Bitcoins, the additional introduction of proceeds-of-crime legislation would make it extremely difficult, if not impossible, to use Bitcoins to acquire assets, and dealing a permanent blow […]

Bitcoin Phase Transition or Plateau Move?

Hackers have managed to get $70 million worth of Bitcoin, revealing the risk of all electronic forms of money to which cryptocurrencies are not exempt. The prices keep soaring and requests to add it to Socrates have been coming in so we are complying. With the futures about to begin, this should make it a more […]

Bitcoin to be Declared a Financial Institution — Beware!

The risk with Bitcoin is that the government could simply change the definition of money. That is what they did to me back in 1980 because I was one of the three main market-makers in gold (perhaps the biggest). It was all a hunt for taxes, not concerning me but my clients. I have explained […]

BitCoin – Criminals – Authorities

QUESTION: Marty, In light of the recent ransomware attacks where individuals/companies are being held hostage until they pay the criminals in bitcoins, why wouldn’t governments around the globe step in and just shut down Bitcoin.   It amazes me.  Bitcoin allows people to sell everything from drugs to trade secrets on Wall Street  and they do […]

BitCoin & Alternative Currencies

QUESTION: I very much look forward to reading your blog every day and feel that I am learning much. I don’t know much about BitCoin but I note that it has almost doubled since the beginning of the year. Does your model have any insight into the future of cryptocurrencies like BitCoin. MR ANSWER: The problem […]

China Looking to Regulate Gold & Bitcoin

China has called all Bitcoin exchanges to a closed door meeting looking to shut down the flight of capital from China. China is looking to deal with the expected trade confrontation with Trump and looking to shut down the flow of capital that has been putting a downward pressure on their currency. We can see […]

China Steps in Against Bitcoin

The Chinese government has been strengthening requirements for citizens by converting their yuan. With Trump coming into office, China fears that lower values for the yuan will turn into a trade war even if the government is not actively trying to depreciate the yuan for trade. Conversions of yuan are already subject to a quota or […]

Bitcoin – Is it Sustainable?

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong: I have been to the Orlando conference and probably read every single one of your blogs since about a year ago and now wanted to ask you about Bitcoin and/or other alternative currencies. If I am not mistaken, this topic is not something that you have really touched upon. Recent spike in […]