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Are Bonds Preferable to Stocks in a Crisis?

QUESTION: There are a few people coming out claiming the stock market will crash so buy bonds even though you will lose money. How can people keep calling for a mega-crash so long with constantly being wrong since 2010? Thank you for your reason NR ANSWER: These people are still living in a world that […]

PRIVATE BLOGS – Bonds & the Dow

PRIVATE BLOG – Separate Posts Bonds & Dow Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please visit

Private v Public Pension Funds & Who MUST Own Govt Bonds

QUESTION:  Martin. Do you give credence to the work of … ? Can’t government pension funds be privatised or sent to open market? Thank you. NM ANSWER: No, I do not. The problem is far more complicated. First, you clearly have tremendous losses already. If you privatized the various government pension funds, you then have […]

Bonds & The Record High Short Position Can Majority Be Wrong?

  QUESTION: Hi Marty, Can you help us better understand the dynamics of the sovereign debt crisis as it relates to US Treasuries? I know we are in a global debt crisis, which will also impact US Treasuries but it seems like short treasuries is the current consensus (I believe they are currently at the biggest […]

Russia Dumps US Bonds – Is it Politics or Yield?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; It appears that Putin also follows your model. He has been selling all debt significantly for it seems he is listening to your forecast that interest rates will rise sharply so get out of government bonds. Do you see his selling because of rate increases or politics as some are trying to […]

ECB & Bonds – People Believe What They Want to Believe

QUESTION: the ECB is arguing that given the low free float of EU bonds (especially German), bonds not owned by the ECB or other central banks, the impact of an end to APP purchases will be nowhere comparable to the tapering sell-off in the US in 2013. Bank research teams are hanging on to this idea […]

Irish Pension Invested in Italian Bonds?

QUESTION: Hi Marty, I hope you’re keeping well? More news from the “EU beacon of light” for you. I’ve enclosed an article regarding Irish pension money in Italian bonds. This is very very scary if true and we really are heading for a disaster from which a little country like ours won’t recover if we […]

Bondholder Suing Spain for the Bail-In of Banco Popular

  It was only a question of when, but now those investors who lost 100% of their money in Banco Popular in Spain are filing a lawsuit demanding answers in a court filing in New York seeking information from the purchaser of the stricken bank – Banco Santander who paid just €1 to take over troubled […]

Interest Rates and Bonds


Bonds Coming Under Pressure

We are beginning to observe institutional investors withdrawing from bonds issued by companies whose credit ratings are in question. Many are also selling off other classes of bonds in anticipation of higher rates. The trend toward investing in high yielding debt mainly by pension funds has begun to reverse albeit gradually. Because of the low yields, […]