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The Drought Cycle & Climate Change

QUESTION: Hello Martin and Team, My question is related to a gentleman I watched on Greg Hunters Watchdog News that Martin goes on with from time to time. Greg interviewed —- —–. The discussion was around chemtrails and the gov’t messing with the rain patterns, also lake Mead and the Las Vegas drain plug which I […]

Coming Soon: Climate Change v Animal Activists

Two groups that usually overlap are about to come into direct confrontation due to the net-zero carbon culture. Both climate and animal rights activists have been known to make their voices heard through protests that are not always peaceful. Farmers are being unfairly targeted by climate change activists for having cattle that produce emissions, and […]

Climate Change the Tool of Control

QUESTION: Dear Martin, After reading many of your blog posts, there appears to be one question you might not have answered. Do the elitists who are trying to control the world truly believe climate change cycles are not natural, but instead are caused by humans? It would seem that any climate theory that doesn’t explain […]

PRIVATE BLOG – Climate Change for the Worst

PRIVATE BLOG – Climate Change for the Worst Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please visit

Diagnosis: Climate Change

For the first time in history, a doctor has diagnosed a patient with the ailment of “climate change.” A Canadian doctor from British Columbia treated a patient with asthma, diabetes, and heart failure who was struggling to breathe after wildfires in the Kootenays region. Dr. Kyle Merritt officially diagnosed the patient as suffering from “climate […]

Spending 0.7% Global GDP on Climate Change

  The current flooding in Glasgow, Scotland, aligns with cyclical weather patterns. Of course, climate change alarmists are causing shockwaves of panic throughout the media. As you can see from the images above, fears regarding the weather have prevailed throughout time. The heavy rain is occurring days prior to the 2021 United Nations Climate Change […]

The Chaos of Climate Change – Just Add Nuclear


Climate Change & COVID = One World Power at the UN

COMMENT: You spread disinformation. Climate change exists and if we have to all lockdown to save the planet for two or three years, then that’s what we have to do. You are destroying our future. EH REPLY: Thank you for your hate mail. It’s nice to see how easy it is for small minds to […]

Reality of Climate Change v People Believe What They Want to Believe

QUESTION: You have been against the global warming agenda and often say that climate responds to standard cyclical events. Do you have any examples of this? PL ANSWER: If you look at the data objectively, you will see that from the great period of monument building during the stone age around 10,000 BC, there was […]

What is the REAL Agenda with Vaccines & Climate Change

This has all been a coordinated effort for the REAL AGENDA which is not vaccines or even saving the planet from global warming. The true agenda is in front of everyone’s eyes, but mainstream media refuses to allow the dots to be connected and anyone who dares to simply open their eyes is immediately called […]