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Armstrong On Why Cycles Exist

QUESTION: I was listening to a podcast on Bloomberg interviewing Peter Borsch who I remember you know for the two of you were together on a cycle research board and he worked for Paul Tudor Jones who handed me a copy of the Greatest Bull Market you wrote back in 1986. That was my introduction […]

Why Science Fails to Understand Cycles – They Lack the Connections

QUESTION: Hi Marty, Interesting attempt at the cycle analysis for a MAJOR earthquake. Why do you think they make these predictions, when they don’t properly understand the cycles? PF Last week, research based on a more complete earthquake record revised the return period of a quake to 291 years. The last was in 1717, exactly 300 […]

Are Cycles Universal or Regional?

QUESTION:  I have a question regarding cycles. You provide some very detailed, historic references showing why certain events are occurring now (again). Is there a disposition for something that occurred in the past to be destined re-occur for a particular region/country (i.e. Greeks abandoning property due to excessive taxation) because it happened once and now […]

Cycles Why do They Exist?

Many comments have come thanking me for demonstrating that there is order hidden within this chaos. Yet, the underlying question is fundamental – Why do cycles exist? I suppose the real answer is the same reason why we exist. Cycles are the divine blueprint from which everything is constructed. It is a complex structure, but everything […]

California Will Also Use Radar to Issue Tickets to Bicycles for Speeding

Let one government come up with a new idea how to extort money from the public, and it spreads like a contagion. Now California will begin issuing tickets to speeding bicyclists as well. I suppose you will soon need a license and then they can threaten to revoke your riding privileges. Will there be a […]

Will Hillary be Indicted in 2017? Cycles Look Like that is the Outcome!

Justice officials Attorney General Loretta Lynch and Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates disagreed with FBI Director James Comey’s decision to notify Congress about the bureau’s review of Hillary emails. Both did not agree playing it technical whereby the Department of Justice (DOJ) does typically announce they are investigating something. Of course, NY State did so with […]

Cycles & Sports

Everything has a cycle. The difference between the Triple Crown and Villanova is that it was actually substantial. In the case of the Triple Crown, nobody won it in 31 years, and I was able to work out the cyclical pattern of the event. Each sports team has a different cycle. Therefore, in the case […]

Gravity Being Revealed & Cycles in the Mind

While we are living in a fictional world where we assume we can manipulate the outcome of our social economy, major advancements are being achieved in the real world of science that further demonstrates that the core of everything is its cyclical nature. Here is the latest discovery confirming gravity waves. The photo above is […]

Real Estate Cycles & International Value

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, your real estate cycle turned up from 1955. It does not match the Case-Shiller index which peaked in 1890s and bottomed in 1920 and then began to rally after 1940 into the 1955 period. Something seem strange with that index given the huge Florida real estate bubble which burst in 1927. Can you […]

Gravity Waves Discovered? Origin of Cycles?

Prof. Laurence Kraus is a well known theoretical particle physicist at the University of Arizona. With a short message on Twitter, Kraus caused a stir around the entire world: “My earlier rumor about LIGO [Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory] has been confirmed by independent sources. Stay tuned! Gravitational waves may have been discovered!! Exciting.” What’s […]