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Beam Me Up Scotty is Here!

  Beam me up, Scotty! At last, the dream of teleportation is becoming a reality. All we need is someone on another planet or starship to save us from this human catastrophe these idiots are creating. In a recent experiment that seems straight out of a Star Trek episode, an international team of researchers has […]

Swarthmore & the Green Tents Bought to Start Civil Unrest & Revolution?

COMMENT: I was on the Swarthmore campus this afternoon and couldn’t help but notice the same green tents as I’ve seen in some of the other Gaza protest pics. More evidence perhaps of a coordinated effort. CF REPLY: Columbia University is canceling its large university-wide commencement ceremony amid ongoing pro-Palestinian protests. This is a major […]

Republican Zionists Collaborating to Buy TikTok

China is NOT the reason that Congress nearly unanimously agreed to ban TikTok – the final frontier of free speech. America relies on China for the majority of its pharmaceuticals. China is America’s largest trade partner, and most of the products we use daily are made in China. There have been state provisions, but not […]

Market Talk – February 16, 2024

ASIA:   China is working to bridge the gap between scientific breakthroughs and market adoption by implementing plans to convert patent applications. The goal is to counter technological restrictions imposed by Washington while promoting sustainable economic growth. The state-run Economic Daily emphasized the need for Chinese universities and research institutions to expedite the issuance of […]

Schwab’s WEF Elimination of all Elections

  Klaus Schwab is, in my opinion, a very dangerous person. He thinks he is so smart that only he knows how the world should function – the typical academic self-grandization. Adding your 2-cents to a debate is one thing, but Klaus tries to control the debate. I have to hand it to him, he […]

DEI in America – Open Racism

Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) protects “the fair treatment and full participation of all people”, mainly groups “who have historically been underrepresented or subject to discrimination.” In other words, DEI is akin to Affirmative Action on steroids. It permits the open discrimination of White and Asian straight males, plain and simple. “This white anxiety is […]

The Major European Protest in Germany Tomorrow

COMMENT: Dear Mr Armstrong Happy New Year to you and your team from Germany. Just in case you didn‘t already know, tomorrow at 11 am is a nationwide general strike supposed to be happening as a protest to the policy of the recent government. They set up a map on GoogleMaps showing all events and […]

FL Surgeon General Urges a Halt to COVID Vaccines

The truth is coming out about the vaccines in 2024. Those living in Florida may have received a notification this week from Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo’s office warning the public that the vaccination is not safe. The FDA warned Lapado last month that questioning the vaccine would be considered “misinformation,” but he ignored their […]

Get Ready for a 1986 Repeat of a Real Estate Crash?

Whenever those in Congress mess with real estate, they have ALWAYS, and without exception, caused a major crash. The Entire Savings & Loan (S&L) Crisis was a catastrophic disaster that wiped out nearly one-third of all the 3,234 savings and loan associations in the United States between 1986 and 1995. I previously mentioned that hedge […]

Bidenomics FAILED

Government officials do not understand why Americans are disappointed with Bidenomics. Biden’s own team did not realize the term “Bidenomics” was intended to mock the president’s policies and they have adopted it as their own. “Bidenomics is about growing the economy from the middle out and the bottom up, not the top down,” Joe Biden […]