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Should Hillary Have Been President?

COMMENT: You just support Trump. Hillary won the popular vote and should be in the white house. HB REPLY: You seem to think that the popular vote should pick the president. I am certain if it had been the other way you be against the popular vote. The system was designed to prevent the tyranny […]

The Real Conspiracy – Hillary & Pelosi

While everyone is left scratching their head as to why Pelosi, who said impeachment was bad for the country, she suddenly changed and became of its greatest supporter in the Democrats. Then she held on to the articles of impeachment for about a month which she pretended was to force witnesses to be heard in […]

John McCain Conspired Against Trump With Hillary

COMMENT: Marty, your sources were correct when you said John McCain had conspired against Trump and was trying to help Hillary. The Inspector General Report confirms what you said long before McCain died. Truly amazing the contacts you have! SJ REPLY: The Inspector General’s report on the FBI’s investigation into Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign also […]

Hillary For President 2020

QUESTION: Hi Marty do you think the probability Hillary will go for presidency in Jan/feb 2020 has increased? Is that really a possibility? Then on top of that in one of your blogs you said something could happen to Trump in 2022 which means he will be respected in 2020. Thank you for your answer […]

FBI, Comey & Hillary – The Model Couple of Integrity

James Comey is now trying to “cover his ass” after being confronted by the Inspector General Michael Horowitz who found that the FBI’s handling of FISA applications for warrants against a former Trump campaign official was sloppy, to put it mildly. Comey had to admit: “He’s right, I was wrong” on Fox News Sunday. He […]

Will Hillary & Bloomberg Run in 2020?

QUESTION: Do you think Hillary will run in 2020? HJ ANSWER: All my sources say YES!! She will wait for January. The rest of the pack is slowly expiring. Joe Biden does not have what it takes to be a President and his son was clearly involved in selling influence in Ukraine. Elizabeth Warren scares […]

Will Hillary Run in 2020?

QUESTION: Do you think Hillary will run in 2020? WK ANSWER: I would say yes. I know that the big Democratic donors are yelling they will not fund Warren. Hillary has been cagy, but the coup against Trump is in full motion. The FBI just came out of the blue to say they exonerate Hillary. […]

Hillary & the Conspiracy of Relentless Suicides

The real test will be if Ghislaine Maxwell ends up mysteriously dead now that she has been at least seen in Los Angeles. Then the talk that Jeffrey Epstein spent hours alone with a mysterious pretty woman in lockup according to another attorney who withheld his name, demonstrates how over the top things can get. […]

Google Steered its Searches to Get Hillary Over 2.6 Million Votes in 2016 – More Interference than Russia

If you only watch one thing today, make it this: — Breitbart News (@BreitbartNews) July 17, 2019   What is most interesting is that there have been plenty of accusations against Google backing Hillary and any attempt to manipulate their search results is precisely what is alleged that Russia used social media to try […]

Hillary Rejoices at the Arrest of Assange

Hillary Clinton has responded to the arrest of Julian Assange by saying effectively – FANTASTIC. Hillary claimed that Assange’s arrest had nothing to do with journalism. She said he “has to answer for what he has done, at least as it’s been charged.” Of course, the Mueller Report stated that Assange lied about Russia. So […]