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Canadian Oil Falls to Under $20 a Barrel Because of Environmentalists

The price of Western Canadian Select (WCS) crude dropped more than US$55 per barrel BELOW North American benchmark of West Texas Crude. The widening discount is evidence the commodity is illustrating how the environmentalists are really destroying the Canada economy. They are causing taxes to rise as social programs continue on an unsound footing and in […]

US To Become Biggest Producer of Oil in the World?

By next year, the US will become the world’s largest oil producer thanks to the fracking boom. Perhaps the US outdid the current Primus Russia earlier this year, said International Energy Agency (IEA) chief Fatih Birol: “The growth of US shale oil is strong and the pace is very high – the US will soon […]

Venezuela Oil Industry Collapsing & May Take the Gov’t With It

Venezuela has the largest proven oil reserve in the world. However, they are out of gasoline. The government has attributed this to poor management which has led to the stoppage of 80% of the country’s refineries. So much for socialism. The assumption that government is competent of managing anything is proven by this very example. My old friend, […]

Turmoil in Middle East

We have a lot of turmoil going on in Saudi Arabia. There has been the arrest of various princes and people who have been allegedly squandering money. We have the prospect of selling off the oil giant ARAMCO. We have had the ostracization of Qatar on allegations that they are supporting Iran.Now we have the line […]

Saudi Arabia threatens to Privatize its Oil and Exit OPEC?

Saudi Arabia may actually be exiting OPEC. There are serious discussions about floating the state owned oil producer Aramco. Saudi Arabia attempted to get other oil producers around the world to agree to reduce production. Saudi Arabia is looking to float Aramco if the other producers fail to agree to cut production. The problem is that […]

The Pension Crisis Coming to a Boil

The BBC has come out and reported that three million savers in Britain in what is known as final-salary pension schemes only have a 50/50 chance of receiving the payouts they were promised, a study has concluded. We issued a special report on the rising Pension Crisis and it has been unfolding on schedule. The […]

Gold – Oil – Dollar

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; At the cocktail party in Hong Kong I am the one who asked you how China should proceed to make the yuan a reserve currency. You said the rule of law must first protect property and surprisingly you said to issue commodity contracts redeemable in gold. Well, everyone knows whatever you seem […]

Oil & Pegs

QUESTION: First question: Disappointed I have not heard an opinion concerning OPEC’s continuation of reducing oil out put. Can the US shale drillers fill the void and or can the Canadian and Mexican producers ramp up any shortfall into the US Second Question: What is your opinion on the Chinese Yuan being pegged to the […]

US to Sell Off its Strategic Emergency Oil Reserves

The US government plans to sell half of the Strategic Emergency Oil Reserves and gasoline. The days of OPEC embargoes of the 1970s are now long past. The government plans to increase its budget for the financial year by $500 million. Therefore, over the next decade, the government wants to increase financial leeway by as much as […]

Is There Really More Oil in The Golan Heights than in Saudi Arabia? Who’s Genie Energy?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong I live in Israel and today I listened to your podcast with Macrovoices. At some point you mentioned that there is more oil in Golan heights than in Saudi Arabia -and this oil belongs to genie energy. Is it true? How can it be that nobody knew nothing about this in Israel? […]