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The Migrant Crisis is How Rome Fell – Its Our turn this time

Merrick Garland, Attorney General, is truly a national disgrace. The U.S. Department of Justice has filed a suit against Oklahoma today over a state law that seeks to impose criminal penalties on those living in the state illegally. The law makes illegal aliens subject to two years in prison for living in the state without […]

Biden’s Secret Flights Responsible for NYC’s Migrant Crisis

New York fell years ago. Their courts are the most corrupt in the nation, businesses have fled with their tax dollars, taxes continue to rise, housing is unaffordable, and crime is rampant. New York needs new leadership. Eric Adams continues to blame Republicans like Texas Governor Greg Abbott for the migrant crisis that has toppled […]

Strong Jobs Report Does Not Mean Strong Economy

One thing that analysts fail to explain is that Americans have begun working multiple jobs since the COVID pandemic that wrecked the global economy. Nonfarm payrolls increased 303,000 in March, but there are millions of Americans holding multiple jobs who can still not keep up with the cost of living even with wages up 4.1% […]

70% of American Cities in Debt – Pension Crisis will Cause Taxes to RISE

A study by Truth in Accounting (TIA) revealed that 70% of America’s largest cities fell into a deficit in fiscal year 2022. Out of the 75 cities studied, 53 simply did not have the funds to pay their bills. The study found that the total debt among the 75 cities had reached $288 billion, and […]

The 2024 Outlook Report

The 2024 Outlook Report provides a wealth of forecasts for 2024 with both Yearly and Monthly timing arrays of the three US share market indices, US 30-year bonds, Gold, Crude Oil, the Euro, DAX, the British pound, FTSE100., Norway currency & share market, and Japan with both the currency and share market.

The lead articles cover the elections, the EU Political Crisis, the Risk of Capital Controls, the Coming Crash of 2024, the economic outlook, and the cycles of Iran vs the West.

This report lays out the timing for the year, when we should see highs and lows. In addition, you will notice that many markets show something on the horizon from July into October.


The 2024 Outlook Report

Price for Download $400 The 2024 Outlook Report provides a wealth of forecasts for 2024 with both Yearly and Monthly timing arrays of the three US share market indices, US 30-year bonds, Gold, Crude Oil, the Euro, DAX, the British pound, FTSE100., Norway currency & share market, and Japan with both the currency and share […]

Coming Reports – CBDCs & 2024 Outlook

A lot of people have been asking when this report will go out. I am working as hard as I can on this because it also involves a Constitutional Challenge that they know about and are trying to deal with, or else the Supreme Court will go nuts. First, I have to finish the 2024 […]

The Migrant Crisis Impacting Canada

QUESTION: Will you cover the Canadian migrant crisis and its impact on our markets? BRD ANSWER: Yes, both Canada and the Biden Administration are covered in one of the reports being handed out at the WEC as well as South America.

Americans Tapping into 401Ks amid Private Debt Crisis

Credit card balances in the US have surpassed $1 trillion for the first time, with balances up almost 20% from a year ago. The Federal Reserve Bank of New York reported that total credit card debt stood at $986 billion in the first quarter of 2023, unchanged from the record hit at the end of […]

The Rental Crisis

I reported how BlackRock is now the largest landlord in the US. Institutions have purchased hundreds of billions in real estate across the nation and have no plans to sell because rentals are a lucrative venture. Inventory is at a historic low and people simply cannot find a place to live if they need to […]