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The Solution 2018

Turkey & The Only Solution is to Overthrow Erdogan

The Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s economic policy is a disaster. This is reflected by his plea for Turkish citizens to search under their mattress for foreign banknotes and gold to convert into domestic currency. It has been his economic policies and dictatorship that is driving Turkey into an economic collapse. Of course, the only […]

Armstrong on the Solution


Vanity Fair’s Hillary Resolutions

The EU Bad Loan Crisis to Get Much Worse – The Solution = Financial Pandemic

The bad loan (“non-performing loan” (NPL)) crisis in Europe is well known and many have been calling for this issue to be addressed. In Italy, the bad loan crisis has reached 21% of GDP. While NPLs dropped to 4.8% of all loans in the EU as a whole during the first quarter of 2017, they […]

Italy’s Solution for Unemployment = Pension Crisis

The high taxation in Europe has crippled the economy. Those in power have not yet figured out that 70% of employment is created by the small business owner who they consider the rich and thus the enemy. Nowhere has this been more the case in Italy, Greece, and Spain. Italy is the next on the […]

Illinois Should Just Be Dissolved as the Solution

John Kass of the Chicago Tribune has come out with a blunt article, yet it is the only possible solution since the government is effectively just bankrupt with no hope of recovery. He writes: “Illinois is like Venezuela now, a fiscally broken state that has lost its will to live, although for the moment, we […]

The Solution

People thought that Quantitative Easing was a drastic increase in money supply that would be inflationary. It was not. What they do NOT look at is that because government debt in the form of bills, notes, and bonds, all can be used as collateral in a loan, the entire national debt has now become simply […]

DVDs for Xmas Gifts – Solution & Cycle of War

We just received a new supply of the 90-minute version of the Solution Conference in time for Christmas. This makes a great gift given the political changes that we face around the world. If you are looking for something to win over friends to open their minds and start the debate, this the way to […]

The Third-Party Solution & Coming Rise in Violence

A Gallup Poll from last September revealed that the majority of Americans, 60%, say a third major political party is needed because the Republican and Democratic parties “do such a poor job” of representing the American people. Since 2007, Gallup has shown that this is a rising trend, which explains Trump and Bernie. The majority […]