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2014 Cycles of War & Sovereign Debt Crisis DVD (90-Minute)

This DVD is a 90-minute version of the 2014 Cycles of War & Sovereign Debt Crisis Conference with Martin Armstrong.

At this conference, Martin discusses the current Cycle of War and its impact on market trends as we move forward. Topics range from government spending, the gold outlook, to conflicts in the Ukraine. This is one of the most important conferences held by Martin, where he reviews events that will have a direct impact on the future.

This DVD is now available exclusively through Amazon.

Please click on the button below to purchase the 90-minute 2014 Cycles of War & Sovereign Debt Crisis DVD through Amazon.

2014 Cycles of War & Sovereign Debt Crisis DVD (Full-Length)

This is the full-length (4 hour) version of the 2014 Cycles of War & Sovereign Debt Crisis Conference.

At this conference, Martin discusses the current Cycle of War and its impact on market trends as we move forward. Topics range from government spending, the gold outlook, to conflicts in the Ukraine. This is one of the most important conferences held by Martin, where he reviews events that will have a direct impact on the future.

This DVD is now available exclusively through Amazon.

Please click on the button below to purchase the 2014 Cycles of War & Sovereign Debt Crisis DVD through Amazon.

USA Losing Sovereignty to World Fiscal Mismanagement

The IMF and many economists (domestic and foreign) are now warning that a rate hike by the U.S. Federal Reserve, no matter when, will spark a major economic crisis in the emerging markets. They see this crisis being ripe for countries with high budget deficits, such as Turkey, as well as commodity-based economies. This includes […]

First Sovereign Debt Default in the 4th Century BC

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I read this time its different by Rogoff. While it is interesting about sovereign defaults, he clearly does not go back into ancient times or more than a few hundred years. If anyone would know when the first such default took place it must be you. Any idea? ANSWER: Yes. The first such […]

Sovereign Debts: How Defaults May Unfold

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Greece Surrenders its Sovereignty to Brussels

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Greece 2017 – Sovereign Debt Cycle

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Sovereign Debt Crisis on Steroids

  QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; First thank you so much for sharing with us your views of how the world really functions. While there are the typical conspiracy arguments, you are the only one with experience. My nephew works in a major top 10 bank. He told me everyone reads you on the trading desks and […]

Yanis Warns Germany to Respect Greece’s Sovereignty

The new Marxist Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis has warned Germany to respect his nation’s sovereignty as proposed bailout reforms go in front of the parliament in Berlin. In this respect, he is absolutely correct. But this is the problem of the faulty design for the Euro from day-one. To create a single currency that […]

The Sovereign Debt Crisis on Schedule

COMMENT: I thought I would remind you of this chart you produced of the sovereign crisis, today the Greeks have applied for a 6 month extension and if that is approved it finishes on the next turn date above of 2015.665. It’s unfolding on schedule again, just following your model, this is also just before […]