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The ECM and the Interaction of a Complex Wave Structure

  For the new readers is trying to grasp the significance of six waves, the entire structure of the universe is based upon cycles for this is how energy moves. This applies to absolutely everything without exception.   If you stand at the corner of a busy street and close your eyes, listen to the […]

LA Weekly Review the FORECASTER

By Chris Packham The story of espionage and duplicity that financial adviser Martin Armstrong relates in Marcus Vetter’s documentaryThe Forecaster is as serpentine and fascinating as a John le Carré novel. Its narrative thread convincingly weaves multiple financial collapses, the ouster of Boris Yeltsin and the rise of the Putin oligarchy around Armstrong’s life’s work — […]

Political Analysis

Political Forecasting Political forecasting is critical to the overall economic modeling. Our model is the only thing that correctly forecast both BREXIT and that Trump would win. Revolutions, coups, and political unrest disturb the trends in assets and currencies not to mention introduction political risk for capital investment. Attempting to introduce poll results into political […]

Universe without Singularities

There is another group who have attempted to argue against the theory of Big Bang and what I explained would be the Big Crunch. The entire problem in the theory is that no one seems to be able to explain what happens before the instant of Big Bang. General relativity implies there should have been […]

First the DEFLATION – then the INFLATION

  When the Roman Empire collapsed during the reign of Gallienus (253-268AD), for the next two waves of the Economic Confidence Model (17.2 years) Rome remained in chaos. Then a general fought his way to power – Diocletian (284-305AD). During this period, inflation soared. Money really became in kind and the purchasing power of the debased […]

The Paradox of Inflation/Deflation

QUESTION:  Martin   You have really added dimensions to my thinking. Thank you very much. One thing that continues to puzzle me is how empire’s die and inflation/deflation. I get the part about the deflationary aspects of killing the economy via regulation and taxation. It is right in front of us every day. I get […]

Gold – Dollar – Euro

  We are in a very fluid period, which can be confusing, yet it is important to comprehend that NOTHING but NOTHING is ever PERMANENT. On the one hand, gold will eventually decline for its final low on the benchmarks. The only thing that will call that into question is a Monthly Closing ABOVE 1350. […]

Russian Ruble Collapses – Conspiracy Or Warning of Things To Come

  The anti-dollar contingent around the world who have preached that since Russia already trades its own currencies independently from the dollar and China has been trying to make the same move, are spinning the blogs claiming this is a “Zionist banker” conspiracy and this proves that all nations are tired of debt making Zionist banking. […]

A Coming California Earthquake?

California’s Drought Ranks Worst in at Least 1,200 Years. The flooding that is taking place warns of something else. The major earthquakes correlate to these periods of extreme drought and then extreme rainfall. That may place added street on the fault lines. We warned last April that there is a rising trend in magnitude. Our […]

The New Real Estate Bubble – Or Something Else Is Going On?

With the Economic Confidence Model peak in 2007.15 (February 26th, 2007), that turning point marked the very day of the high in the Case-Shiller Real Estate Index. However, it also market the precise day of the infamous sale at the top of Goldman Sachs’ notorious ABACUS 2007-AC1 $2 billion Synthetic CDO. Indeed, Goldman Sachs was later […]