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Trump Keeps His Pledge on Tax Reform

A lot of emails are coming in asking if I have been advising Trump on the taxes since this is similar to the plan I proposed when I testified before Congress. The answer is no. If they took the tax proposals we had worked on with members of Congress back in the nineties, who knows. […]

If US Election Were Held today – Trump Would Get More Votes Polls Show

The latest polls show that most people who voted for Trump are satisfied. When the same questions have been asking about Hillary, the opposite response appears. The polls are actually showing that Trump would win a greater margin today than last year. This is interesting for it is confirming the collapse in government with Big […]

Trump’s Shift on Positions & the Rise of Kim Jong Un

QUESTION: Marty, you said Trump was wrong and China was not a currency manipulator and that Trump was following the same path as James Baker and the Plaza Accord. Everyone knows you are the guy countries run to in the middle of currency wars. Trump just changed his position on China dropping his claim about […]

UK & Germans Did Intercept Trump’s Phone Calls with Russia

After denying that British and other European intelligence agencies have intercepted communications between Donald Trump’s staff and Russian citizens and other Russian citizens during the campaign, the truth has come out that they did exactly that. The Guardian, which has also been extremely anti-Trump, reported: “Britain’s spy agencies played a crucial role in alerting their […]

Did Trump Surrender to Deep State or is this a Civil War?

There is a civil war going inside the White House. There is the Steve Bannon clash with the president’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, who’s taken on an increasingly prominent portfolio in the West Wing. Bannon has complained that Kushner and his allies are trying to undermine his populist approach and institutionalize Trump. I was concerned about […]

The Left Becoming Violent in France As they Did Against Trump

In Corsica, the left has stormed into an appearance of Marine Le Pen to disrupt her campaign. The leftist group Ghjuventu Indipendentista claims to be Corsican nationalists who want to separate from France. The group called for everyone to join using Twitter. The goal was to prevent Le Pen from making an election campaign speech in Corsica. […]

Trump Attacks Syria – Gold Pushing Higher

  Trump authorized the U.S. military to launch more than 50 missile strikes aimed at an airfield near Homs. Trump has stated that he had targeted the Syrian airfield from which an earlier chemical attacked had been launched. He also called on other countries to end the bloodshed in Syria. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson […]

Obama’s Administration Spied on Trump PERIOD?

As evidence exposes that the Obama White House was spying on Trump, mainstream media is desperate to cover this up, but most importantly, this is feeding into the forecast of our model that we are looking and the decline and fall. Government is simply not trustworthy and as we see this affair will prove legally […]

California’s Congresswoman Maxine Waters Calls for Trump Impeachment Because Putin Invaded Korea? The long list of reasons Maxine Waters says Trump should be impeached simply reflect why she is totally incapable of being anyone’s representative in Congress. She said that Putin supplied the bombs for Aleppo that killed children. First of all, that took place under Obama before the election, and it is plainly documented that […]

It’s Confirmed – Trump was Spied On During Transition

  This is a press conference in its entirety from the committee investigating everything. Yes, there was no “wiretap” of Trump Tower. As I reported previously, that is old-school. So while the New York Times and the Washington Post are desperate to cover everything up and focus only on that single word to claim Trump […]