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Climate Crowd Coming for Cooling Appliances

Davos man John Kerry is continuing to “pledge” for stricter regulations on behalf of the people after the United Nations climate change summit (COP28). He already committed $3 billion to eliminating coal and believes emissions could be slashed by 68% come 2050. Now, John Kerry is out to eliminate the energy we use to cool […]

Moody’s Downgrades Chinese Debt

Moody’s has downgraded the outlook on China’s credit rating from “stable” to “negative” due to concerns about the country’s post-pandemic recovery, weak consumer and business confidence, a persistent housing crisis, and a global economic slowdown. The downgrade reflects the rising evidence that financial support will be provided by the government and wider public sector to […]

New York to Provide Homeless Migrants Voter Registration Forms

The deliberate invasion of America was permitted by the same people who want to give illegals the opportunity to vote. Nonprofit shelters will be required to provide non-citizens with paperwork to register to vote in upcoming elections, and New York has stipulated that the paperwork must be available in Spanish as well as Chinese. Staten […]

Market Talk – December 5, 2023

ASIA:   Moody’s has downgraded China’s government credit rating outlook from stable to negative due to concerns about potential lower medium-term economic growth and the ongoing contraction of the property sector. Despite this, Moody’s has affirmed China’s A1 long-term local and foreign-currency issuer ratings. The agency predicts a 4% annual GDP growth for China in […]

Abuse of Law

QUESTION: Is it true that Lincoln suspended the writ of Habeas Corpus, and when the Supreme Court ruled against him, he just ignored them? Didn’t this also undermine the rule of law to where we stand today? WG ANSWER: Sadly, yes, you heard correctly. At the time, Chief Justice Roger Taney ruled that President Lincoln […]

Dimon: Working Class Should Support Neocons

JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon believes Americans should be upset about their economic status, and does not understand why there is not more outrage. The billionaire in charge of the nation’s largest bank believes that electing Donald Trump in 2024 would be the worst financial decision for the working class. Why? Well, Trump has made […]

The Hypocritical Financial Markets

  QUESTION: I was told I should not listen to you because you manipulated the world economy with the bankers, and you were an adviser to BCCI and managed money for Saddam Hussein and Qadaffi. When I asked if you manipulated the world economy, then why invest against you? There was no reply. I watched […]

Fauci to Testify Before Congress

Pandemic orchestrator and former NIH Director Anthony Fauci is set to testify before the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic on January 8-9. Fauci has yet to appear before the 118th Congress for his involvement in the pandemic as his legal team successfully delayed the hearing for nearly a year. “Americans deserve trusted public […]

Market Talk – November 29, 2023

ASIA: China will likely unleash 2.28 trillion yuan ($319 billion) of next year’s special local bond quota by the end of December, state media reported, a sign Beijing is moving early to boost growth in 2024. Authorities are expected to distribute 60% of next year’s special local government bond quota to provinces ahead of time, […]

Beware May 7th, 2024

QUESTION: Marty, Thank you for a fantastic conference. If it were not for your forecast that the dollar would rise and rates would rise, putting European banks in distress before the USA, you would have saved our company a fortune. I know it’s Socrates, but we still need you here. Now that they have postponed […]