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Private Blog for Dow Jones

Private Blog for Dow Jones Industrials Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please visit

Private Blog – The Dow Jones & the Vertical Market

The Dow Jones & the Vertical Market Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please visit

Rajoy Shuts Down Airspace & Orders Google to Stop Assisting Separatists

The Spanish Prime Minister, Mariano Rajoy is becoming a disgrace to the image of a free society and is illustrating what governments do in a Private Wave – they become authoritarian whenever they lose power. Canada and Britain allow separatist votes. Why does Rajoy feel he has a right to kill people who want a separatist […]

Private Blog – Dow for Close of Sept 2017

Dow for the closing of September 2017 Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please visit

Merkel Wins but Still only 32.5% Down Significantly

Once again Merkel fails to win the popular vote in Germany. Angela Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union lost 9% compared to the last elections. Nevertheless, her party has remained as the largest party in Germany’s parliament. Merkel’s CDU won 32.5% of the popular vote far less than any president in the United States history. That was a […]

Dow High or Low

QUESTION: Hi Martin, I am confused with the Dow Jones Index, could the index explode up through 23,000 to 40,000 from here or does there need a downward move then explode up through 23,00 (a sling shot).  Could you tell us what you see for the next 6 to 9 months.  Probably the most important […]

Private Blog Post – The Dow Breakout or Retest?

Private Blog Post –  The Dow Breakout or Retest? Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please visit

The Dow – To Correct or Not?

QUESTION: Hello Martin, last week i read on your blog about possible fall in Dow Jones, you said it’s possible that we could see biggest fall ever and that should start this September but today you sad you don’t expect major correction. I’m sure there are many readers on your blog who are confused about this topic […]

Gold – Dow – Euro & Socrates Update

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, I am a long time reader of your blog from India. I am learning about a lot many things about Finance & Economics from your blog, than I learned by going to College. Truly, what is being taught in Academic institutions is far from what actually happens. I am an Investor […]

Gold & the Dow

QUESTION:  Dear Martin, I have been following your blog for years now. I am not a trader or financial person in any sense of the word but I take a keen interest in the economy and try to keep myself educated re current science theories for my own interest. I love your blog and your […]