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The Global Market Watch Forecast on the Dow

QUESTION: Marty; it all seems to be setting up for your forecast back to new high into 2022. Even the inflationary wave seems oddly reminiscent of 1979 with people hoarding toilet paper again. Is everything still on track? AD ANSWER: Yes. As you know, the Global Market Watch is dynamic. So the yearly will change […]

A Bear Market is Not Likely in the Most Hated Bull Market in History?

Well, here we go again. These people who claim to be experts are warning that it is the fallout from the global coronavirus outbreak that has caused the crash and one says this could be “worse than the financial crisis” of 2008. Another analyst claims to have forecast the 2008 Financial Crisis is now saying […]

How to Redesign Government for the Next Generation post-2032

QUESTION: Hi Martin, Thank you for your great insights! We are thankful. Often you have stated that you are happy that you do not have the age of 25, because of the chaos and economic crises coming ahead. Unfortunately, many of us (just like me) are 25 years old at this point in time. What […]

The Rich v Oligarchs

QUESTION: Hello Martin, You have said ‘the rich get richer by investing’; and as well, you’ve said ‘governments are always corrupted’. What history shows (and many of us have learned) is that ‘big money’ is especially adept at manipulating government for its own advantage. Currently, we call this ‘regulatory capture’. (This includes ‘judicial’ capture). The […]

Gold in Currencies & Cryptocurrencies

QUESTION #1: Marty; On the Private Blog 1/19, you wrote “When we look at the Weekly Array, we can also see volatility rising this coming week. The two key weeks ahead are those of 01/27 and 02/17. Therefore, failure to make a new high warns that we may see a retest of support ahead. We […]

Big Bang v REPO

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I can see your warning about Big Bang and the bonds markets would crash after 2015.75 going into the bottom of your business cycle on January 18, 2020. However, it seems that the negative interest rates have created your bond crash not in price but in participation. There is no viable bond […]

The Economic Confidence Model & the Shift in Trend

While we took the back cover of the Economist for 3 weeks during July 1985 to announce the beginning of the Private Wave stating that the dollar had peaked (followed by the Plaza Accord 6 weeks later), the ECM has been remarked on around the world for its turning points. Money Week even got the […]

Is Chile a Warning to All Western Societies of What Awaits Our Future?

Chile was believed to be Latin America’s freest, most stable and richest nation. However, it is now in free fall. Public order has collapsed, violence is rampant, and populism is the new creed of the political class. Chile imploded into a social uprising that was initially sparked by a student protest over metro fare hikes […]

Impeachment 2.0

I previously warned that the Democrats were considering a second Impeachment. The Democrats cannot defeat Trump in a fair election. They have sought to effectively stage a coup and Adam B. Schiff, California Democrat is launching an investigation of President Trump and his entire family as well as his businesses. The new theory is he must […]

Angkor Wat & Its Decline and Fall

QUESTION: Angkor Wat was abandoned and the whole society seems to have vanished. I saw somewhere that this was due to climate change and the drying up of their canal system. Is this something that shows in Socrates? Best regards MU (Sweden) ANSWER: The fall of Angkor Wat was attributed to climate and abuse, but […]