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Gold & Propaganda

QUESTION:  i read your latest piece on gold…..i see your rationale for inflation not causing gold to rise but rather an erosion in confidence of government so if i am reading you right you see a rise in gold in a semi-rapid fashion for the next few years as the confidence in government declines now […]

Gold — Money Supply — Media

QUESTION: Hello Martin, First let me say thank you for all that you do keeping us informed on the markets and geopolitical events. I’ve been an avid reader of yours for many years and especially your typed correspondence during the years of incarceration. My question pertains to today’s “Gold and Money Supply” article. Since gold will […]

Are Stocks and Gold Inversely Correlated?

QUESTION:  Mr Armstrong, is it true that stocks and gold are inversely correlated? ANSWER: No. That is not a correct statement. No relationship is static, other than whatever assets vs. money might be at the moment. Commodities peaked in 1919, bottomed with stocks in 1932, and then rallied into 1937. There are times when gold and […]

Gold & War

QUESTION: Does war boost gold prices? MM ANSWER: No. The only impact that war will have on gold is confined to either prolonged inflation or the uncertainty of the victor — the hedge against government survival. War by itself is a non-event. Gold will rise ONLY when there is uncertainty because the currency of the government will not survive a […]

Gold & Money Supply

QUESTION: Sir; Will the Fed start to print money again if the economy turns down and does this not cause gold to rise? Thank you for your insight in this confusing world of self-interest SH ANSWER: No. The gold promoters constantly tout inflation, stating that the rise in money supply must lead to higher gold prices. […]

Did Gold Survive the Depression?

Some people totally confuse gold and money. During the Great Depression, we were on a gold standard. During a decline, ALL assets will decline against whatever is money, just as money declines during a boom. You need to separate MONEY from gold or you will never understand how the economy functions and you will buy gold when you […]

Will Gold Complete the September Rally?

Gold’s rally into the target weeks for the ECM appear to be linked to the potential crisis in European banking. This has nothing to do with the dollar, fiat, inflation, or whatever. The only reason gold rises is the hedge against real crisis and uncertainty. Gold may not be sustainable. We really need to see […]

Gold Confusion

COMMENT: Good Evening Martin, Great blog on the Gold Martin. Don’t bother with the nay -sayers. Most probably he got stock with too much gold and silver. Most people have bias thinking because they hold certain assets. In my country currently, most people are holding minimum 2 to 4 houses. Some are even promoting people to […]

Gold Update Being Emailed Next Week

We will be sending out the gold update to the 2014 Precious Metals Report next week. The update will be exclusively for those who have purchased the 2014 Precious Metals report and will cover gold going into the fall. The 2015 Precious Metals Report will be issued in November and will cover the future prospect […]

Texas Gold Promoter Missing $30 Million in Metals He Claimed to Store

The Austin Texas Bullion Direct has filed for bankruptcy and it is alleged that $30 million in metals that were supposed to be in storage is gone (Bullion Direct Bankruptcy-Case-Filing-7-20-2015). This is one of the bigger problems with the gold promoters claiming to be storing customer’s metals without independent audits, insurance, etc. This was a problem after […]