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Biden & His Promises

  Biden’s promises to end capital gains would be devastating to investment. Adding Elizabeth Warren’s Wealth Tax, which California is pushing, would probably kill it altogether. They could tax everyone who had Gamestop based on the high even if they never sold. His claims are never really addressed by the mainstream press. His claims that […]

Mike Lindell of My Pillow is Being Barred from Everything – Why?

  Mike Lindell of My Pillow has been shut down by all Social Media including his company. This is why he has been shut down. What is clear, removing Trump was critical to the agenda 2030 and the Great Reset. From the perspective of corruption, we certainly cannot rule anything out. What I find offensive […]

Conspiracy & Reality

  Anybody who dares to try to link COVID with the Great Reset is suddenly dangerous and a conspiracy theorist. Here is a video from Kaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum pushing the Great Reset. Here is a clip just in case they remove it. Here is Dr. Anthony Fauci saying the same thing that COVID […]

Jason Kennedy is Defending Career Politicians v His Own People

Jason Kenney takes on COVID-19 conspiracy theorists in Facebook ‘rant’ Jason Kennedy, the Premier of Alberta, Canada, has just totally reversed himself in what is being called a “rant” and has aligned himself with career politicians who do not represent the people or the future of Alberta. Previously, he admitted that the Great Reset was […]

Canada Into 2022

The 2021 Canadian Report is now available. We have gone into the clever change in the law that Trudeau pulled off to allow him to cancel the currency at his discretion as of January 1, 2021. He did withdraw the legal tender status of various notes that are still out there. You can take them to the bank and deposit them in your account, but stripping them of legal tender status means nobody else is now required to honor that currency.
We have covered the political chaos, the debt, the separatist movements, energy, the agricultural crisis, the share market, the Canadian dollar, and gold in terms of Canadian dollars rather than in US dollars with arrays and reversals.

During these volatile times, explore the fate of Canada going into 2022 based on Martin Armstrong’s data-driven models. This report begins by discussing the political atmosphere influencing Canadian policies both domestically and internationally. Explore the future of energy as well as the outlook for crude oil, the Toronto Stock Exchange, Canadian dollar futures, and gold in terms of the Canadian dollar.

Why is Boris Johnson Destroying Britain?

It is not well known or perhaps deliberately not noticed by the left pushing for this Great Reset, but Boris Johnson is very much his father — Stanley Johnson. Many will find this shocking, but there is a lot more to the admiration Boris Johnson has for Bill Gates. Boris is fully on board with […]

Are We in the Middle of Absolute Tyranny?

COMMENT: Martin and team: With Trudeau fully on board with the Great Reset, canceling the $CDN and going fully digital is just another step to fulfill his goal.  I must confess I don’t quite understand the full significance of this and I am not sure if this is going to be reported by the mainstream […]


COMMENT #1: Nobody is suggesting that we should “destroy all capital”. Right wing nonsense. We all know that communism is unsustainable due to its inherent lack of economic motivation for anyone to be productive or creative. Similarly, pure capitalism ultimately self destructs without the balance of some collective investment in society (i.e. socialism), as all […]

The Conspiracy Against the People Will Fail

I have been warning that despite all their influence via the World Economic Forum, Gates Foundation, and Soros’ Open-Society calling for a one-world government, they will fail. We have even Governor Cuomo suddenly realizing that he may have destroyed New York City permanently. California is bleeding businesses so rapidly; the tax the rich policy that […]

China Becomes #1 Place for Direct Foreign Investment

Because the West has decided to commit suicide economically to push this Great Reset and destroy the economy to BUILD BACK BETTER, they are fulfilling precisely what our model has been forecasting – that China will become the Financial Capital of the World post-2032. China has surpassed the United States for the first time as […]