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The BS of Climate Change from Polar Bears to Taxes

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, I have worked in the Arctic Circle. They always show polar bears on ice but what they fail to tell the public is that they normally spend time on land in summer when sea ice declines and most pregnant polar bears give birth and make their dens near the coast not on […]

BRICS, Real Estate, & Pensions

QUESTION: Dear Amstrong, Thank you for all the training you have been teaching us for years. Even though I have gone through 3 universities and have special titles in economics and finance, only after accompanying you for these 15 years, I could understand a little of the true world in which we live. I have two […]

The British Election – Socialists Lose Big Time

Conservatives are now in full control of Parliament, and Britain took one major step closer to leaving the European Union. The socialist Jeremy Corbyn said he would not lead the Labour Party in another election. All the hype about socialism and how they have been so vocal has resulted in what our computer has been […]

Rise in US Dollar Will Force Defaults in Third World

The countless analysts who keep preaching that the dollar will collapse have been singing the same song since 1971. They NEVER look outside the USA and simply preach how the US debt (over $20 trillion) will result in hyperinflation and the end of the US economy. They ignore the fact that the US is a […]

The Truth Behind the Repo Crisis

COMMENT #1: Hi, Marty if you can, let the readers know if the “mother of all financial crisis” is the big bang. You talk al lot about the REPO crisis and some might wonder if these are two separate events. N COMMENT #2: Wow. I am left speechless. I think your title Repo Crisis is […]

BREXIT & Pound Rally

One of the major distinctions is how politics has degenerated into who knows what, all we need to do is look at BREXIT and the chaos of the British elections come the 13th. We have never seen an election where former prime ministers have intervened to disrupt an election as they have this time around. […]

Drug Trade, Violence, & Capital Flows

QUESTION: Good afternoon Mr. Armstrong, First of all, thank you for all the information you give us on your blog so that we who are and live in third world countries like me can understand the behavior of the global economy and especially in the rich countries. The way I approach the issue of the […]

London Court Rules 1MBD Hearing Will Be Public

Malaysia won a MAJOR victory in a London court that will allow public hearings in the notorious 1MDB case where Goldman Sachs facilitated what is alleged to be the fraud of the century. In this case, Abu Dhabi’s state investment fund is in a legal battle over how billions of dollars intended for Malaysia’s economic […]

The Rising Tension in Europe for Civil Unrest

QUESTION: Hello! More and more people in western Europe are talking about the coming civil war between the Muslims/Arabs and the Europeans. Guillaume Faye has even written a book about it. I personally believe that it will break out between 2025 and 2050 and that it will start in France. Me and my friends are […]

Market Talk – November 20, 2019

ASIA: The Peoples Bank of China cut its one-year and five-year loan prime rates by 5 basis points. Yesterday, the central bank ordered banks to use the lowered rate to help bolster the economy. The new rates are 4.15 % for the one-year and 4.80% for the five-year, with the growth rate of China hovering […]