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Merkel Poised for 4th Term as Head of Europe/Germany

The German election takes place tomorrow, with Chancellor Angela Merkel the favorite to defend her position against Martin Schulz for a fourth term in power. The AfD will for the first time win seats Bundestag elections. The the union parties and the SPD are losing approval while Merkel’s party, CDU / CSU, polls at just 34%, […]

Gold – Dow – Euro & Socrates Update

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, I am a long time reader of your blog from India. I am learning about a lot many things about Finance & Economics from your blog, than I learned by going to College. Truly, what is being taught in Academic institutions is far from what actually happens. I am an Investor […]

European Banks – The Next Crisis – The Unseen Cause in Plain View

The clouds have not lifted from the heart of the financial center within the European Union on the continent. The origin of the next crisis is unseen yet in plain view if you care to look. Ten years since the financial crisis of 2007-2009, the core fundamental problems in the banking sector have not yet […]

Terrorists Using Britain to Stage Terrorism into Europe

The terrorist Islamic State (IS) has, according to the London Sunday Times, set up a network of companies in an office in Cradiff (Wales) in Britain which sent military equipment to Spain as well as it is financing terrorist attacks against the West. The Times has included the relevant FBI documents which reveal that surveillance technology […]

Barcelona Terrorist Attack – Is Europe Lost?

Barcelona, one of the most beautiful cities in Europe, was the target of the Islamic State in their latest terrorist attack to kill people on a wholesale basis. Spain has now mounted an all out sweeping anti-terror operation after an Islamist militant drove a van into crowds in Barcelona, killing 13 people and possibly injuring […]

European Refugee Crisis will Engulf Europe by 2032

  The European Refugee Crisis is really completely out of control. The bulk of these people are by no means refugees. You see no women and children here in the boat – only young men. Now Spain is the new target and will overtake Greece as the second-biggest gateway for economic invader entering Europe by […]

The Currency & Banking Crisis for Europe

QUESTION: Thanks for this free advice. But, in this comment: “/our-european-tour-part-ii-seizing-all-bank-accounts-throughout-eu/” You write: “Clearly, people should be fully aware of the thinking process in government. Brussels will become authoritarian when the free markets rain on their parade. I strongly recommend that everyone should keep 30 days worth of cash to cover your basic needs.” But, it […]

The New Russian Conspiracy – Moving the North Pole to Freeze Europe

Believe it or not, the latest conspiracy brewing is that the Russians not only defeated Hillary, they have figured out how to shift the planet and weather and have manipulated the planet so that the North Pole is headed to London to freeze Europe. Clever those Russians figured a way to force Europeans to buy […]

Diesel Cars in Europe Received Tax Breaks to Compete Against Japan

COMMENT:  Just to give you the heads up on diesels (Source my brother in the Industry). During the 70’s when Japanese were dominating car imports in Europe. France came up with the idea of giving preferential treatment to diesel cars as the French Car Industry was ahead of the Japanese in diesel engines. (the pollution […]

Our European Tour – Part II – Seizing All Bank Accounts Throughout EU

  Many financial firms in London claim to be looking to move to Frankfurt or Paris with BREXIT. They are going to have a very rude awakening. The proposition to demand all euro clearing takes place inside the EU will be the death of Europe – not the rebirth. The dominating position in Brussels among […]