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Was Bill Gates using Epstein to Blackmail People?

    I have said before, Epstein was really creating a sophisticated operation for blackmail. Wall Street used Elliot Spritzer to take down AIG head Hank Greenberg because he refused to allow AIG to issue guarantees for Goldman Sachs’ mortgage-backed securities. They used Elliot Spitzer as the DA of NY to remove Hank Greenberg from […]

Zelensky Tells just Too Many Lies To Keep Them All Straight

The BBC reported Zelensky’s comment regarding the drone attack on the Kremlin: “We don’t attack Putin or Moscow. We fight on on our territory. We are defending our villages and cities,” he said, speaking on a visit to Finland. Zelensky is such a liar this man should not be greeted by any head of state. […]

Market Talk – May 3, 2023

ASIA:   Core consumer inflation in the Japanese capital beat expectations in April and an index cutting fuel costs rose at its fastest pace in four decades, underscoring the challenge the central bank’s new chief faces in keeping interest rates ultra-low. The core consumer price index (CPI), which excludes volatile fresh food but includes fuel […]

Sudan – The Russian Connection and New Proxy War

Sudan is the new site for the ongoing proxy war between Russia and the West, reminiscent of the Syrian conflict. The media had turned a blind eye to the internal conflict in Sudan under the idea that it did not involve us, unlike other global wars that can be used for profit and power. Then […]

Zelensky Selling State Assets to Line His Pockets Before Fleeing to Miami

Zelensky is slick. He is now lining his pockets with the goal of becoming a billionaire when he flees to his estate in Miami. He is now trying to sell off all state assets in the fossil fuel sector to corporations like ExxonMobil, Chevron, and Halliburton. Of course, these companies are all showing that war […]

Biden’s Let’s Finish the Job

Biden’s announcement that he is running was crafted like a Twitter post – not live and posted at 6AM. His message is highly questionable for all he is saying is that the Republicans are radicals and therefore vote for him and he will maintain the status quo. There is a void of any new proposal […]

The Great De-Dollarization

All we hear is the same claims that the dollar is dead and it will be totally worthless any day now. Over the last few weeks, all we hear from the majority now is that the dollar is finished. Virtually every page you turn or site you visit claims the death of the dollar. They […]

Russian Spies Infiltrate Tinder

Do your passions include walks on the beach, traveling, and Wilhelm’s tank coordinates? Germany is warning both soldiers and politicians to be wary of Russian spies who are using dating apps, namely Tinder, to gather intel. Germany’s Military Counterintelligence Service (MAD) told the newspaper Welt am Sonntag that “members of other intelligence services (e.g. Russia) […]

China v Taiwan – The Draft Begins

Chinese President Xi Jinping announced that he is preparing for war. The military budget will grow by about 7.2% this year after it has already doubled over the past decade. This is not a sudden decision. China has been quietly positioning itself for quite some time and has taken notes over Russia’s missteps with Ukraine. […]

Market Talk – April 17, 2023

ASIA:   China’s top central banker told attendees at an international finance meeting in Washington on Friday that rapid interest rate hikes and recent bank failures in Western countries were the major sources of global instability. Yi Gang, the governor of the People’s Bank of China, also attributed worldwide inflation in energy prices to “geopolitical […]