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Lagarde’s Low-Flation

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Christine Lagarde of the IMF has stated that the problem with Europe and Japan is that they have no appreciable inflation. She calls it “low-flation.”  You have stated that the U.S. and Germany are always fighting their last economic war so the U.S. inflates and Germany deflates. So is Lagarde correct this […]

HSBC Perhaps the Worst Offender of Depositor Rights?

HSBC is the bank that has been caught laundering money. It was accused of transferring billions of dollars for nations like Iran and also facilitated Mexican drug cartels in moving money illegally through its American subsidiaries. When a bank gets nailed like that and pays $1.92 billion in fines, the lawyers come in and run the […]

China Adopted our Capital Flow Models

COMMENT: The conference must have been exhausting; I know there is so much work and preparation that these events require. A lot to catch up on, but firstly, I saw this headline yesterday and thought I would forward it to you! If you ever needed assurance that China was following the model (which I know […]

Earthquakes & the Ring of Fire Intensifying on Schedule

We have been getting also a lot of emails requesting an update on earthquakes. About 5 hours ago, an 8.2-magnitude earthquake struck off the coast of northern Chile late Tuesday, generating a tsunami and triggering small landslides. It’s not so much the magnitude-5.1 earthquake that hit California – centered in nearby La Habra with well over […]

Money is only a Medium of Exchange & Wealth = Productivity

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong: You said, “The difference between gold and other investments such as real estate and stocks lies in its MOVABILITY.” No.  The most significant difference is that gold is a better choice for money than other investments. JC REPLY: Gold is not money – sorry! Money began as cattle and then bronze and gold […]

Counting Your Fingers in New York

The big money center banks trade against clients ALL THE TIME and they will eat their own in seconds. You cannot ever deal with these people and expect that they are ethical or honest, which is why they OWN the SEC and CFTC along with every other pretend regulatory body. When I got one of […]

Rigging Markets & Michael Lewis

Just to set the record straight, markets can be rigged insofar as when banks act as brokers and keep track of client positions and trade against them. That is standard operational procedure despite Goldman’s denials. That has been going on for decades. There was the typical running of stops by floor brokers. This systemic market […]

IMF Demands Austerity for Ukraine

The IMF (International Monetary Fund) announced on Thursday that a $14 to $18 billion “bailout” for Ukraine is contingent on Kiev’s imposition of stringent austerity measures. It is amazing that not even Obama would comply with such austerity. These people have no clue as to how to run a nation and their theories are more-likely-than-not […]

NYSE Closed 1914 – Was it Fear of Liquidation or Capital Flows?

QUESTION: I read that during World War I they closed the stock exchange for several months. Do you think this will take place again? I see few people quote you because you have the facts and they are like Al Gore, just full of hot air. You seem to be the only reliable source so […]

Announcing Streaming & Change of Venue

The Cycles of War – Sovereign Debt – Gold Conference on Friday March 21st will be streamed around the world live. The price will be $350. We had to change the venue due to crazy unions that control Philadelphia and are destroying its economy. Apparently, there is a camera man’s union and we cannot have […]