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QUESTION: Dear Mr.Armstrong, Long time reader here, have read all of your materials since posted online and continuing on to your blog now. I have also been to your conference held in Bangkok 2 years ago, and I remember I wondered if it was a suitable location given its constant political upheavals, it’s a shame […]

Wildcat Banks

  QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; One of the criticisms of you is that you support the idea of a central bank. Your view that Andrew Jackson destroyed the central bank and caused a depression and sovereign debt defaults appears to be a different view than what is talked about in the gold community. Could you explain your […]

New Global Market Watch Up and Running

  The New Global Market Watch is up. You can click on the link below and then click of any individual market in the GMW page. This will take you to the second level for a more detailed look at that market. While this is not perfect, it is purely a pattern recognition model that […]

Asset Allocation & New Expanded Models

QUESTION: Marty; Have you got your Asset Allocation models up and running? We would like to come to the Conference if you will be doing what you use to do for us years ago. It is a long trip from the Middle East as you know. Best regards; AE ANSWER: Yes. The Asset Allocation Model […]

Trading Seminar March 23rd – Answering your Questions

This Special Trading Seminar is geared to enable you to Survive Your Own Trading Decisions and this is not merely a marketing phrase to sell a seminar. This is not a day trading seminar. This is about really how to trade, understand the global economy, and how to see the world so you can invest […]

MADMAX v Restructure

QUESTION: Hi Marty, You truly are the gadfly that Plato described of Socrates who kept pestering Greek government till they executed him but who Socrates commented that you are only killing the government and society more than you are killing me!  You talk of the collapse of the American empire sometime in 2032 analogous to […]

Collectibles Are Still in Bull Market

The first gold coin produced in the American Colonies is known as the 1787 Brasher Doubloon that was just sold at the Heritage auction for $4,582,500. Ancient coins are generally up substantially over the last 10 years with pieces that sold for $20,000 in 1994 bringing today $150,000 to $200,000. Money continues to move out of […]

Financial Panics of the 15th Century

The 15th century saw the collapse of the Medici merchant bankers. Today, Goldman Sachs has sought to install its people in key positions in government. This is by no means a new development. The Medici and the Piccolomini families of Italy had installed two Popes to also control papal business and revenues. Other merchant bankers attempted […]

Panic of 354BC Athens

Corruption between government and the bankers is nothing new. During the 4th Century BC, money that was donated to the gods became the temple treasure. Typically, the government would borrow from this hoard of cash and thus temples emerged as bankers. In Athens, there was one of the early banking crisis events involving what we […]

Panic 1971

The Financial Crisis of 1971 was the culmination of a series of events that began during the early 1960s. Politicians set the gold ratio to the dollar at $35 an ounce that was decided in 1934 by Franklin D. Roosevelt. However, politicians have a vest self-interest in always pretending they do a good job. Unfortunately, […]