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The Death of Representative Government – The Real Conspiracy – Crisis in Democracy

While people contrive secret groups that seek world domination, the real threat we have is directly in front of us – it is Republican Governments that masquerade as Democracies and are as evil as the Roman Republic that caused the civil war. The propaganda against Julius Caesar has survived to this day and has wrongly […]

Understanding the New Era we Face – No More General Terms Apply

QUESTION:  In regards to the “Crash or Collapse” post you just put up, we kind of wonder what you meant when you wrote at the end “This will not be like anything seen in past 200 years” We were wondering, was that in regards to a crashing market or crashing Bond market? I thought you said in […]

Uprising Against Corruption is the Global Trend – Get Use to It

Anyone who thinks that Ukraine was just a CIA plot is honestly in serious denial and are blind to the real trend afoot. All governments are declining into corruption on a massive scale and this is reflected in their rising demands for taxation. The American Revolution was – No Taxation without Representation. That is the […]

Federal Reserve Act of December 23, 1913

  The Federal Reserve Act of December 23, 1913 authorized the first issue of Federal Reserve Bank Notes. All denominations were issued from 5 to 10,000 Dollars. The notes from 5 to 100 Dollars are series of 1914. The higher denomination notes from 500 to 10,000 Dollars are series of 1918. With the establishment of […]

Conspiracy – Or Just One Step at a Time?

QUESTION: You say there was no CIA plot in Ukraine and I can see that not even Britain was willing to send troops to Ukraine because of this popular story of a CIA instigated revolution. The feeling in Europe is precisely that. To defend Ukraine would be another Iraq and America cannot be trusted. Whilst […]

Why Will the Downturn 2015.75-2020.03 be Far Worse Than Before?

With each downturn in the Economic Confidence Model in this 51.6 year long-wave, the decline gets worse and the volatility rises. This is part of the process building until we reach the cataclysmic turned at the end 2032. The polls in Austria are very interesting for this has been a nation that historically represents the […]

How far in the future does your computer model project?

QUESTION: How far in the future does your computer model project? ANSWER: One of the fascinating aspects about modeling the world economy is you rapidly discover that the complexity is enormous, yet the outcome is far more predictable Long-Term than Short-Term. This may seem illogical at first, but once you comprehend the dynamics of the system […]

Why Politicians Cannot Manage Economies

In Venezuela,  President Nicolas Maduro is boosting Venezuela’s minimum wage to defend workers’ salaries against inflation running at nearly 60 percent annually. He said that the 30 percent increase for wages and pension payments will take effect Thursday, in honor of the May 1 international workers day. It follows a 10 percent boost in January. Here […]

SEC – Markets Are Not Rigged

Mary Jo White, head of the SEC told Congress that the allegations in Michael Lewis’ new book about high-frequency trading markets are false. She bluntly stated that the “markets are not rigged.” I know Mary Jo White personally and I am no fan to say the least. However, on this comment she is correct. White’s […]

The Deflationary Aspect of the Dollar

One of the most difficult concepts for people to grasp is the fact that a currency is the OPPOSITE of assets. When assets rise, like gold and stocks, this means that the currency MUST decline in purchasing power. This is the standard function of a currency regardless of what it might be. This is why […]