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Euro – Cycle Inversion or Phase Transition

QUESTION: Martin In your latest post you go into very good detail of how the Euro continues to be strong(although it has been noted the model expected it to fall) and that when the Euro does fall it will take the European markets with it. Are we to assume that if the dollar does rally it […]

Dollar Bears May Be Slaughtered

  The dollar bears still outnumber the bulls by nearly 10 to 1. The primary argument has been the QE and this idea that the quantity of money somehow determines its value. But like everything else, it is just not so easy said nor done. This is like looking at one side of a coin […]

JP Morgan Fines for Manipulation et al – Reaching $20 Billion

Beginning with February 24th, 2013, the tide has changed against the market manipulators and little by little the curtain is being pulled back to expose to the world what really is going on that the government and the media have ignored for so long. I have stood my ground against the banks that have engaged […]

Super-Cycles How to Detect & Do they Exist

QUESTION & OBSERVATION: Hello Mr. Armstrong, Thank you so much for your public work. I was turned on to your work a few years ago while you were still writing prison newsletters. At the time I was still on the Goldbug / Conspiracy bandwagon, and your views were like a fresh of breath of fresh […]

Divine Design

QUESTION: Dear Martin, Following your your posts has become a favorite hobby of mine.  I just graduated with a degree in economics but it is your work that has led me to the research I am dong now.  Unfortunately I had to approach the physics department to research deterministic chaos.  Regardless, I am so happy you […]

Creating a Natural Hedge

QUESTION: Sir, like many others I was fleeced with the gold as money story and took my losses and moved on, particularly as I ingrained the principles of investing and practise the discipline of day trading – that of obeying the buy/sell signals and not falling in love with the trade. As a resident of Switzerland […]

The IMF & The Destruction of Capital Formation

  One question that rises to the surface immediately with the IMF proposal to confiscate 10% of everyone’s bank accounts in Europe, is what will this do to the Euro. Will the Euro rally or fall? The overwhelming misguided Dollar Haters who have preached the end of the dollar and rush out and buy gold […]

Civil Unrest Rising in Europe

Official and security departments throughout Europe are now worried about a rising tide in Europe of Civil Unrest. In Spain, anyone who demonstrates spontaneously in the Spanish Parliament, have to pay a fine of €600,000 euros and thus no free speech. The Spanish are increasing penalties for protesting and threatening anyone who dares to film […]

Just for the Record – Fourth Branch of Government

Just for the record I do not offer my OPINION on things without stating it is only my OPINION. The called me the man you knew too much. Before 1999, I was asked my people in the Republican party to meet with people who wanted to run for President under the pretense I was there […]

Conspiracy Theories = Communism

Constantly people insist there has to be these “rich” trillionaires who are out to enslave all people and create some one-world government. It is power they want not money? Those in the private sector are only concerned about money. Goldman Sachs, I believe,  filled government spots to eliminate the power to prosecute them so they […]