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FEMA Camps – The Real Issues

A number of questions have come in regarding the FEMA camps and is the collapse in gold and silver part of some orchestrated economic collapse that is being planned by the bankers of Wall Street with the oversight of the White House and the full knowledge of the Justice Department. I am certainly not a […]

Taxing Financial Transactions – Why Did Interest Rates hit 200% in 1899

The European idea of taxing financial transactions is nothing new. The EU aims to tax financial institutions a minimum of 0.1% on purchases of shares, bonds and other securities, and a minimum of 0.01% on the notional amount of derivatives traded either on- or off-exchange. Historical evidence indicates that this will discourage foreign investment while increasing […]

Cycle of War – the 6th Wave

QUESTION: Does your volatility wave based on units of 6 also apply to the Cycle of War since your 8.6 year wave builds in intensity into 6 waves of 51.6 years? Thank you for all you provide. You do open minds. HC ANSWER: Absolutely. In fact, this is why I am concerned with this particular […]

Will 2014 Crack the Euro?

The Euro officially began trading January 1st, 1999. That was an eventful year for its also marked the low in Gold. Now at the pre-Christmas Euro summit, the mood was rather grim and even Merkel is wondering if the Euro will survive. The Euro should seriously crack 17.2 years from its birth and that would […]

224 Year Collapsing Wave Structure Points to Breakup of USA

The CONFIDENCE in government is truly collapsing. The latest CNN Poll shows that 73% of Americans feel Congress has done nothing worthwhile. The approval rating for the Democrats has collapsed by 6% and this is all part of the process of shifting from a Public Confidence Wave to a Private Confidence Wave.   There are […]

Model Design – Hey Look at This!

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I believe reading between the lines, you discovered something incredibly important yet everyone looks at you in the wrong way as if this is all some theory you began with in the traditional manner. Things like random walk are theories to justify someone who could not discover anything so they created a […]

Is 40,000 on the Dow Enough?

QUESTION: Hi Mr. Armstrong, You have said that the Dow could reach 40,000 by 2032. That is a compound annual growth rate of 4.94%. Is that even enough to rescue the pension funds, or are they doomed regardless? Thanks, MB ANSWER: No it is not. The projection of 40,000-42,000 is a NORMAL projection, and not […]

Fed Meeting Tomorrow

The employment and growth data have improved since the last Fed meeting in October, and Congress has reached a two-year budget deal that takes them right up to 9/30/2015 perfectly in line with the ECM peak at 2015.75. Our target date has been published for years and is a straight mathematical formula. The precise day […]

Market Updates

Gold had a chance to at least rally and clean out some shorts, but could not close above 1243. The Dow is in the same position. We may be setting up for a MAJOR protraction of these trends for the next peak in the Economic Confidence Model 8.6 Year Wave in 2024. This implies there […]

Depression Never Ends At the Same Time For Everyone

QUESTION: Hello Martin. A few months ago you wrote: Greek Depression Will Not End until 2020 I have explained the Golden Rule of Corrections. Once you extend in anything beyond a time unit of 3, you are then in a change in trend. The Greek recession, and most of the Western World, began in 2007. […]