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AMTRAK & PEI Reports

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong: I use to work in Washington and was introduced to you during the 1990s when AMTRAK use to distribute your World Capital Market Reports on the train between New York and DC. I wanted to say that you were absolutely correct on gold and the stock market when no one else was […]

When they Hang Bankers – The New “Financial Terrorists”? Beware!

In Iceland, they actually imprisoned the top four bankers that some call the “financial terrorists” that ruined the country. This is establishing a trend that we will indeed see materialize even in the USA after the 2016 Presidential Elections. Riots against bankers have been frequent throughout history. I have stated before that the term Black […]

How Lows are Made

QUESTION: Are not the bankers now preaching gold down? ANSWER: Yes. This is what is necessary. At the lows, the MAJORITY will give up and then point to much lower lows. I wrote previously: “At the low, everyone is bearish and shorts abound. That in turn is the fuel for the reversal to the upside. […]

The Euro & Dollar – the Essence of Chaos

Nothing has changed with the Euro v the dollar. We are waiting for the turn in 2014 and that remains in place. In order to set the stage for the worst of the worst, we need to move to extremes in both directions. Economically, Europe is a disaster. You typically have the currency rise in […]

Time & Price

QUESTION: Dear Sir, are the following figures still valid. Will Gold fall to USD 950 per Ounce or is it more likely to build the low in the optimum range? Thank you for the great audio-interview and your support of the little guy! T ANSWER: Yes. The timing is 2014 as the optimal target. However, we […]

Yuan & the Death of the Dollar? Good One!

QUESTION: Is this story that the dollar is dead because products will begin trading in Chinese Yuan in Singapore and Hong Kong have any validity or is this more propaganda to covertly sell gold? Thanks RG ANSWER: It is exaggerated propaganda. We monitor capital flows and the flows through Swift transfers. I reported that the […]

Dow Jones Industrial & BitCoin Correlation?

QUESTION: Hi Martin; It is very interesting that both virtual currencies, Dow Jones Industrial Average(US Stock Market) and Bitcoin, topped out on November 29, 2013. I’m not saying that this is the top of the markets, I’m saying the Dow(US Stock Market) is Bitcoin for the Super Rich. I’m saying that they are both are now […]

Seeing the Light

QUESTION: I want to thank you so much for helping me see the light. I was one of those lost goldbugs who expected hyperinflation and the only gold would survive. As you say. A loss is a loss regardless of the reason why. If these people know gold is manipulated, then why tell people to […]

Understanding 2014

  The number one question coming in by the hundreds right now is: What does 2014 really mean to individuals. This is what the 2014 Conferences will be all about. We will hold three conferences. We will do the Sovereign Debt Conference for one day in Philadelphia as last year. This will be priced at […]


QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong. Does deflation  accompany hoarding of cash and the velocity you speak of declines? Is this the trait that you write about and part of the reason gold has declined? ANSWER: People simply save money in times of uncertainty. This is one aspect we have to watch with the turning up of the […]