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When Religion Attacks Itself

Religion has always influenced economics and geopolitical events. For nearly two hundred years, the emperors of the Eastern Roman Empire, known as Byzantium, had followed the traditions of just placing the emperor’s image on the obverse of their coinage as it had been done since the days of Augustus since 27BC. It was during the […]

What Climate Change Zealots Refuse to Listen To

  Milutin Milanković was a Serbian geophysicist and astronomer who, in the 1920s, calculated what has become known as the Milankovitch Cycle, describing the collective effects of changes in the Earth’s movements on its climate millions of years. He hypothesized that variations in eccentricity, axial tilt, and precession combined, creating cyclical variations in the intra-annual […]

The Right to Grow Food

  Republican Representative Thomas Massie is presenting an amendment to the US Constitution that would ensure Americans have the legal right to grow and distribute their own food. “The right of the people to grow food and purchase food from the source of their choice shall not be infringed, and Congress shall make no law […]

Republican Zionists Collaborating to Buy TikTok

China is NOT the reason that Congress nearly unanimously agreed to ban TikTok – the final frontier of free speech. America relies on China for the majority of its pharmaceuticals. China is America’s largest trade partner, and most of the products we use daily are made in China. There have been state provisions, but not […]

Europe Illegally Confiscating Russian Assets Because they NEED Cash

As we head into a critical turning point of April 19/20, 2024 in this Proxy War the West has organized against Russia from the outset, Ukraine is on the verge of collapsing. Instead of peace, even after more than 500,000 Ukrainians are dead, the West is out for more blood. The Ukrainian people have always […]

Soul of a Nation

QUESTION: You have said that a nation’s true wealth is not its gold but its people. Would you say that what makes the people different from nation to nation is their customs and culture? Is Soros’s Open Society destroying civilization by opening borders and undermining our culture? He is doing what Marx did and has […]

Mainstream News is Committing Suicide

Virtually everyone I talk to thinks mainstream news is just propaganda. COVID drove a spike through the very heart and soul of the First Amendment. Even five years before, people generally respected the news. COVID appears to have been the death knell to mainstream news. This chart shows the results of Gallup Polls, and the […]

Happy Pi Day

  Perhaps it was my fate or destiny since I grew up in Maple Shade, New Jersey, with the house address of 314 South Lippincott Avenue. What a coincidence When I discovered that list of international panics and divided simply 26 into 224 years, it came out with 8.6153. Multiply that by 365 days = […]


COMMENT: I have investigated what you have said about our Western leaders. From the US to Britain, the Balkans, France, Poland, and Germany, they all want war. I am 77 now. My whole life was about creating peace. I remember Richard Nixon opening China and dividing it from Russia. I believe you are correct.  There […]

Penetrating the Corona – Internet Apocalypse

The coronavirus lockdowns gave the world a glimpse of what could happen if our economy was suddenly shutdown. NASA has a space program called Parker Solar Probe (PSP) that aims to fly “into the outermost part of the Sun’s atmosphere, the corona, for the first time.” Why? Scientists at NASA predict an “internet apocalypse” may […]