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Hackers Join the War Russia’s media has promoted the “military action” in Ukraine as a necessary measure in an attempt to mislead the people from seeing this as an all-out invasion. Russia’s communications regulator (Roskomnadzor) has banned media outlets from using the words “assault, invasion, or declaration of war” to describe the attack on Ukraine. Disobeying could be […]

Dividing the World Economy = Economic Decline

QUESTION: Do you think Putin is losing? JK ANSWER: I really think the rhetoric is dangerous. People are ignoring that the world is dividing. This is creating a dangerous new cold war that can easily turn very hot. If Putin was losing and his position would be in jeopardy, then he would get much more […]

Leaked Media Instructions Show China Is Studying the Russian Invasion

A leaked post on social media provided insight into how China’s Communist Party expects media outlets to cover Russia invading Ukraine. Horizon News, a subgroup of Beijing News, leaked the “instructions” on Weibo. “Simply put, China has to back Russia up with emotional and moral support while refraining from treading on the toes of the […]

Is Western Press Egging Putin to Fully Invade Ukraine?

One must wonder if the West is intentionally trying to create a full-scale European war. “Putin is furious, he thought that the whole war would be easy and everything would be done in 1-4 days,” tweeted Riho Terras, who is also the former defense chief of NATO member Estonia. They are also claiming that Putin has […]

Armstrong v Schwab

While Nigel Farage spoke at our 2019 WEC in Rome, he said he came because our events were the “alternative to Davos.” For years Schwab and I have been on opposite sides of the table. The stark difference between myself and that of Klaus Schwab boils down to the divergence in economics between Adam Smith […]

Is Canada Doomed in the Death Grip of the WEF?

COMMENT: Trudeau is an egotistical narcissist and if the Conservative party can nominate a reasonable party leader without being seen as a puppet for the former piano-playing, rock star leader of the Conservative Prime Minister then Trudeau will be a bad memory. Although to be fair, French-speaking Canadians have been a part of the protests […]

The Real Politics Behind Ukraine & Taiwan

  We face a clear and present danger from various heads of state who are seeking to promote the cancel-culture to suppress any opposition to alter our future and that of our posterity. Schwab with his admiration for Lenin and his Young Global Leaders is pushing his communist ideas upon the world and that includes […]

Canada Police Prove they Are Like Nazis – Just Following Orders

The Canadian police have shown the entire world that they are no different from the Nazis of Germany whose excuse was the same – just following orders. It is a shame that they are defending Trudeau against all odds and world opinion. It was hard to win a race against Biden to the most unpopular […]

The Fate of Canada Hangs in the Balance

Trudeau has shown the entire world that he is unfit to be the leader of any pretend free democratic nation. He is invoking the Emergence Act not used for more than 50 years to cut off funding for truckers responsible for nationwide protests that have gridlocked the nation’s capital for weeks. But he may go […]

US Household Debt Rises by $1 Trillion

Household debt in the US spiked to the highest level since 2007. According to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Americans accumulated an additional $1 trillion in debt, with the figure growing by $333 billion in Q4 alone. Mortgage and auto loans are the main sources of debt for Americans. Home loan originations hit […]