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New York Times – Altering the News to Charge Trump

What newspapers are doing between the Print and Online Versions is beginning to really question their integrity and reveals why mainstream media is just not trustworthy any more. So if you Google something, it’s the online version that will come up – not the print edition. So they can print anything and then post online […]

NY Times First Reported Trump was Wiretapped Back in January

The New York Times print story on the front page of January 20th, 2017 read: “Wiretapped Data Used in Inquiry of Trump Aides”. Of course now, the New York Times is trying to downplay that story simply because Trump said Obama had wiretapped his campaign. Since “wiretapped data” was being used to investigate President Trump’s […]

Why Removing Trump Will Lead to Civil War

QUESTION: Marty; It seems that the left is winning in preventing Trump from really reforming anything and the Republicans themselves are divided over Obamacare. Do you see this change? Thank you for what you do. It is striking how on point you have been. LE ANSWER: The Democrats led by Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi are […]

Trump – Dollar & Why He Will Fail

QUESTION: Hi Martin, How is the dollar supposed to continue to rise when Trump and all of his cabinet members want a weaker dollar? They constantly blame others with currency manipulation, all the while they are in fact manipulating the dollar lower with their comments. Hello pot, meet kettle!!! The last 2 Fridays the dollar has […]

Did Obama Wiretap Trump Tower?

QUESTION: Do you think there is evidence that Obama did a wiretap of Trump Tower? ANSWER: No! Trump used the term “wiretap” as it used to be that way 20 years ago, but today, the NSA takes every phone call in the country if not the entire world. They tap into the trunk systems, they […]

Is Trump Fighting a Losing Battle?

QUESTION: Why couldn’t Trump turn the Budget crisis into an opportunity and simply tell the American people that we have a budget cap and we will live within it and scrap temporarily his grandiose plans for big tax cuts and job creation. This would also put a lid on wild spending by politicians. ANSWER: Trump should […]

Will Trump Succeed? No!

QUESTION: Do you think Trump is really a racist? I do not quite understand this. It seems like this has been manufactured simply because of his travel ban. Can you shed some light on this? Do you think Trump will really make a difference? Thanks MW ANSWER: There is no evidence that Trump is a […]

Jarrett & Obama Even Live Together – She is Said to be Fixated on Overthrowing Trump

The hot topic in Washington is that Jarrett has been behind the attempt to (1) investigate Trump under the pretense of National Security and (2) has been the one also orchestrating the insurgency protests to overthrow Trump. Jarrett even lived in the White House and dined with the Obamas. She has now also moved into Obama’s […]

Evidence Hillary Was Briefed by Obama on Covert Abuse of Power to Target Trump

COMMENT: You have no proof that Obama briefed Hillary. You are just supporting Trump. REPLY: Here is Hillary’s Tweet dated October 31st, 2016 AFTER Obama sought the court order to tap the server Trump had in Trump Tower under the pretense it would prove links he had with Russia. That effort failed to produce any […]

Jarrett from within White House May Have Launched a Watergate Style Attack on Trump During Election

I have been hearing about the Obama Administration wiretapping and trying desperately to uncover links of Trump and Putin without success for months. Obama was desperate to blame the Russians for Hillary’s loss. I have warned that Obama’s OFA was circumventing state level Democrats. The rumor mill alleges that this was a Valerie Jarrett operation which was […]