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Boris Johnson Wins Britain Right on Target

Boris Johnson has been elected as the new Prime Minister of Britain and he has promised to take Britain out of the European Union “come what may.” Jeremy Corbyn says Labour will table a motion of no confidence, designed to force Boris Johnson from office “at a time of (their) choosing,” adding “it will be an […]

Market Talk – July 24, 2019

ASIA: Russia and China had their first joint operation yesterday. The Chinese defense ministry says four bombers, supported by fighter jets, patrolled a pre-planned route over the Sea of Japan and the East China Sea. However, China’s neighbors were not happy with the operation. South Korea said its jets fired flares and machine gun warning […]

Market Talk – July 18, 2019

ASIA: Chinese officials who are in charge of Hong Kong affairs have drafted a plan to resolve the Hong Kong political chaos – but the report reiterated that they will not be using military action. CNBC has reported that more than 50 multinational companies have pulled out of China since the trade war broke out […]

Market Talk – July 17, 2019

ASIA: China told the Trump administration today to “make up its mind” regarding the trade deal, according to the South China Morning Post. China also warned that additional tariffs will derail the current negotiations. U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin this week stated that he and his entourage could be traveling to China this week if […]

Market Talk – July 16, 2019

ASIA: President Trump said today that there is a long way to go to reach the conclusion to this US-China trade deal. Additionally, there is a possibility of adding tariffs on another 325 billion USD worth of goods. China, meanwhile, has added another member to the negotiating team – the current minister Zhong Shan who […]

Market Talk – July 15, 2019

ASIA: China’s released new data today that showed the economy grew at the slowest pace in 27 years, with the trade war with the United States being the prime suspect. China grew 6.2% in the second quarter of 2019, a drop from 6.4% in the first quarter, according to data released by the Chinese government. […]

Market Talk – July 11, 2019

ASIA: President Trump tweeted today that China has let us (the U.S.) down by not purchasing American agricultural products as promised. This could impact the possibility of an amicable trade agreement. The positive reports indicating progress seem to have no positive end goal. Trump concluded his tweet with “hope they will soon,” a more optimistic […]

EU Refuses to Negotiate Fairly with Britain – Demands of a Customs Union

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; could you explain this whole Customs Union issue in BREXIT? Some see it as a great idea, others say it is surrendering sovereignty to Brussels. SN ANSWER: A customs union, some claim, would help businesses that send goods back and forth to the European Union. So it would be of interest to […]

Market Talk – July 9, 2019

Market Talk – July 9, 2019 ASIA: The U.S. approved a 2.2 bn USD sale of arms to Taiwan, despite China forewarning them not to do so. China is now demanding that the U.S. cancels the deal, calling the U.S. actions a “crude interference” and further stating that it is harming its sovereignty. Elsewhere, U.S. […]

Market Talk – July 3, 2019

ASIA / AUSTRALIA: China responded to the UK’s criticism of its handling of Hong Kong by telling them that they should not interfere in “domestic affairs.” The UK’s Foreign Secretary tweeted full support for the Hong Kong citizens right for a peaceful protest. In addition, he told China that the way good relations are maintained […]