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UN & ICC Now Guarantee World War III is the Only Solution

I previously reported that my sources inside the ICC would move to charge Putin with war crimes. No head of state has EVER been charged for the actions of those on the battlefield. Russia is not a member of the ICC, and neither is the United States for that matter. This has merely guaranteed that […]

Politics Globally is on a New Agenda

COMMENT from Thailand:  In Thailand, for the whole 2020, there is only 61 Covid deaths. Few months after mass vaccination there is 20000 “Covid” deaths. This year, I believed that there is an explosion of COVID illnesses and deaths, just like Canada. And the authority is keeping a tight lip about it. Look like 2022 […]

In Politics – People Want to Believe on What They Want to Hear

COMMENT: The post dealing with the mid-terms had this gem: “This is why all the Greek philosophers from Socrates to Plato were against democracy. It allowed a thin majority to become tyrannical.” What then is the alternative, for there will never come a time when we all agree about anything, let alone everything? The unstated […]

2022 A House Divided Eventually Falls

COMMENT: Marty, Once again your caution proved to be warranted. 2020 looks like it was a dry run for how Democrats will hold onto power….vote harvesting and the Dominion Systems. I wondered what the week of November 7 would be about. Now it seems we have the answer. MS REPLY: I do not have the […]

The Midterm Elections – The Decline & Fall is in Motion

While the results are not final, where it stands now is unfortunately in line with what our computer has been projecting. The Senate will most likely remain in Democratic hands and the House may flip to the Republicans. Worse still, this will only embolden the Democrats and this Climate Change War along with unleashing World […]

Biden Promises to Raise Energy Prices Before Midterms

Remember when America was energy independent? Gas was under $2 per gallon, the Strategic Petroleum Reserve was full, and our lawmakers did not have to grovel at the feet of our adversaries who are declining to help us anyway. The only reason America has an energy crisis is because Joe Biden eliminated domestic energy efforts […]

Interview: There May Not Be a 2024 Election

Watch the video above or click here to see my latest interview with Greg Hunter of USAWatchdog. I will be discussing all of this and more at the World Economic Conference this weekend (virtual tickets are still available). Commentary from Greg Hunter: Legendary financial and geopolitical cycle analyst Martin Armstrong says, “The cheating in the […]

A Nation Divided Cannot Stand

QUESTION: What do you think about the attack on Pelosi’s husband? GH ANSWER: While the media is calling it right-wing fringe and their old standby QAnon, that is just the standby explanation. However, I would suspect that it may have been targeting him because of all the inside trading claims that have involved the Pelosis. […]

Zelensky Wants WWIII Bringing Death & Destruction to the Entire World

With most con artists, you need to count your fingers after shaking hands. With the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky, you have to make sure you still have your arm. He wears the same clothes to project he is at war raising some to hope he at least takes it off to wash. Both Germany […]

Ukraine & its Horrible Dark Past is Taking the World Down With It

COMMENT: Hi Marty, I. Deep seated hatred You have written frequently how hate in a country keeps on running deep as result of intense war violence long time ago. And you do not see how this is ever going away. I was born in the Netherlands Rotterdam area. What the Germans did over here during WWII […]