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The Plan for Digital Public Infrastructure (DPI)

Unelected globalists at the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) have been working on the Digital Public Infrastructure (DPI) for the past decade, which is step one for the digital ID system. “Digital public infrastructure (DPI) is a shared means to many ends. It is a critical enabler of digital transformation and is helping to improve […]

The Fix is In – Trump Goes to Prison

Let me explain something very important. George Soros’ son has come out and said that Trump would not go away unless he is in prison. I am not at liberty to say at this time, but the FIX IS IN and Trump will be imprisoned in the Washington, DC case. That is the plan. Soros […]

Nobody will be Safe if they are Vaccinated

The Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are mRNA vaccines, which contain tiny fragments of the genetic material known as “messenger ribonucleic acid.” There have been deep concerns that this entire technology may have long-term implications for human society.  There was a Swedish study that tested whether the vaccine’s mRNA could be converted to DNA and found […]

Schwab’s WEF Elimination of all Elections

  Klaus Schwab is, in my opinion, a very dangerous person. He thinks he is so smart that only he knows how the world should function – the typical academic self-grandization. Adding your 2-cents to a debate is one thing, but Klaus tries to control the debate. I have to hand it to him, he […]

Winter Woes – Green New Deal Turns Deadly

Over 150 million Americans are under a winter chill advisory due to life-threatening temperatures. Every state besides Hawaii has issued some form of caution to residents as nearly 80% of the nation faces below-freezing weather. Extreme weather highlights the importance of fossil fuels, as there is NO reliable alternative. Texas is on the verge of […]

Interview: Gold, European Banks, Real Estate, EVs, Marxism

Martin Armstrong: (8:38) Gold, European Banks, Real Estate, EVs, Marxism

Market Talk – January 16, 2024

ASIA:   In 2023, the Moscow Exchange reported that trading volume in Chinese yuan surpassed that of the U.S. dollar, marking a significant shift in currency dominance. This development is part of Moscow’s de-dollarization strategy in response to Western sanctions on its financial system. The increasing partnership between Moscow and Beijing, characterized as “no limits,” […]

The Superbowl – Sports – War – Economy

COMMENT #1:  Hi Marty, I always like when you point to cycles in fields other than economics as well. It has been just over 31.4 years since the Detroit Lions won a playoff game. Prior to that, it had been about 34 years (8.6×4) since they won a playoff game, the 1957 season championship (not […]

Peaceful Resistance is Not Futile

The NYSE is closed today in remembrance of Martin Luther King Jr. King was a firm believer in peaceful resistance as a means to bring about social change, and he consistently emphasized the importance of unity and brotherhood among all people. King’s philosophy of nonviolent resistance was inspired by figures such as Mahatma Gandhi, and […]

The Top Stories Taiwan & Berlin

Anthony Blinken cannot sleep at night when there is world peace. He is like a drunk in a bar who punches you because you looked in his direction, and he ASSUMED you were going to punch him first – so he does what he wrongly thought you would do. This guy is so dangerous to […]