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Solar Cycle 24 to Bottom with the Economic Confidence Model 2020

The deep minimum of Solar Cycle 23 and its potential impact on climate change has been interesting. In addition, a source region of the solar winds at solar activity minimum, especially in the Solar Cycle 23, the deepest during the last 500 years, has been studied. Solar activities have had a notable effect on palaeoclimatic changes. […]

Market Talk- June 27, 2018

The story of June has certainly been the US -Europe- Asia trade wars which were instigated by Trump administration back at the start of the month. The tariffs of 25% on Steel and 10% on Aluminum likely to affect around 100 Bn worth of goods globally. China and Europe since retaliated, with Europe initiating a […]

Its Snowing Still now in NewFoundland

  It is still snowing across the border in Newfoundland, Canada in June. In Wisconsin, there was so much snow during April, it is still there in huge piles in June. Believe it or not, snowfall has still been reported this week in EIGHT states. This is California, Nevada, Washington, Oregon, Montana, Wyoming, New Hampshire […]

30 Years of Global Warming Forecasts all Failed

  The Wall Street Journal just published a review of the Global Warming Forecasts for the past 30 years. They have not even come close to the scenarios they put forth back in 1988. On June 23, 1988, the then NASA scientist James E. Hansen who helped to start all this nonsense testified before the Senate […]

A Volcano & the Last Little Ice Age

In the upland region of Southern Peru, there is a volcano by the name of Huaynaputina which to this day remains one of the largest ever to erupt in South America. It exploded on February 19th, 1600, and is recorded as the largest volcanic explosion ever in South America. However, studies have shown around the world that […]

The Euro Crisis is Unfolding on Schedule

  The Euro Crisis is emerging rapidly. The 2Yr BTP Italy debt has jumped 150bp and is now wider by 2.50%. The ECB has been intervening BECAUSE as we have warned, there is NO BID. Interest rates for Italian debt have almost doubled in a matter of days. Who in their right mind will buy […]

The 8.6-Year Frequency is Within Nature

QUESTION: You have noticed that the 8.6-year frequency even allowed you to see that volcanic eruptions would begin in 2018. Are there other examples from history where you have found this to also be true or was Hawaii just unique? PK ANSWER: Oh, there are plenty of examples. Let’s take one of the most famous volcanic […]

The Complexity & Fractal Nature of Nature

They have recently confirmed that not merely are the Milankovitch Cycles correct, but there is a fractal nature to everything as well as a cycle that sits on top of everything so far. They have determined that there is an approximate 405,000-year cycle in the shape of the Earth’s orbit that shifts from almost perfectly circular to […]

Malaysian Election Demonstrates the Wave of Political Change of Trump, BREXIT, Italy, Spain, etc is still in motion

COMMENT #1: You were right. You said there would be a political change here in Malaysia in 2018 at your Bangkok conference. How do you do this? I am coming to Singapore. COMMENT#2: Wind of change has swept through Malaysia on May 9th as incumbent Barisan Nasional (BN) coalition 61-year rule since 1957 Independence was ended […]

Yellowstone – The Supervolcano When is It Due?

Yellowstone Supervolcano geyser Steamboat has been unusually active. Many fear that something strange is happening which may signal it is getting active once again under Yellowstone National Park. Steamboat is indeed the world’s largest geyser and it has erupted three times in just six weeks. Many people have been asking if we ran our models […]