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The Dow To Be or Not to Be

The Dow has bounced slightly as to be expected, but we are now in a consolidation pattern for the balance of the month. Just pay attention to the Global Market Watch for it has been doing an excellent job at calling the turning points so far. DJIND GMW 8-22-2017 Private the Global Market Watch and […]

Private Blog Very Important Update on the Dow

A Very Important Forecast for the Dow on the private blog Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please visit

Private Blog – Dow for the Closing 8-11-2017

  Private Blog: Dow for the Closing of 8-11-2017 Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please visit

Private Blog – The Dow to Buy or Not to Buy – That is the Question

  The Dow To Buy or Not to Buy – That is the Question Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please visit

Facebook Shuts Down its AI System

A lot of people are using the issue that Facebook shut down its AI system when it began to create its own language as a short-cut in communication between two bots. Some are hailing Elon Musk as an “I told you so” prophet. But in all honesty, the Facebook AI is merely doing the very […]

The Dow Outlook

We are getting close to unleashing Socrates. The hold up has been in the delivery rather than in the analysis. We have had some problem with pushing the results up to the cloud, which we hope to solve. The Pro version wrote this as of Friday concerning the Dow Jones Industrial Index. Note that while […]

The Dow & the Future

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I am fascinated by what you have accomplished in this model. You mentioned in your post about the Orlando conference a slingshot and phase transition, and I am trying to comprehend what that would look like exactly. Is that to say the DJIA won’t complete its advance from 2015.75 to 2018,but that […]

France Police Hunting Tourists To Shake Them Down

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; I had the wonderful experience of flying to France to see my son going to school there. Upon my arrival, I was immediately commandeered by the French police asking me how much money I had. I didn’t even get out of the Paris airport. I was not dressed elegantly; just jeans. I […]

As Expected – Comey Tries Hard to Take Down Trump Admits He is Leaker

James Comey that he orchestrated the leak of his conversations with President Donald Trump claiming he thought it might lead to the appointment of a special prosecutor to head the Russia investigation. Comey said he had asked a friend at Columbia University to leak the content of one of his memos. Comey testified: “My judgment was that […]

Democrats Want to Shut Down Government Until They Get Special Prosecutor

QUESTION: The Democrats are trying to now demand a special prosecutor to replace Comey and will not accept anything else and are threatening they will stop the government until they get what they want. There is talk that this could lead to evidence of impeachment. Is that possible? ANSWER: Nixon was impeached because at the […]