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The Markets in Light of the Chaos

  When we look around the world the final say in every election is always the vote of capital – which is international rather than confined to local politics. Biden has already shut down the pipeline from Alberta which will only be symbolic for whatever substitute will mere be brought in by ship and pumped […]

The Future & What is Really Going On

  QUESTION: This civil war you talk about. Is it Republican v Democrat? Is this because your precious Trump lost? FH ANSWER: Look, this is the computer forecast and you can go back years and see that this forecast was made before Trump ever ran for office. Make no mistake about it, that this is […]

The Devious Plots of Bill Gates?

Bill Gates has been pushing to keep the planet locked down in 2021 using the virus as an excuse to reduce CO2. Even in Germany, the government has been lying to the people extending the lockdown little by little. Internal papers have shown that they intended to keep everything locked down until at least June […]

Politics & the Take Over of the USA by 2022

  QUESTION: Do you think this was meant to be like a 911 event to use against the people with Domestic Terrorism legislation? VB ANSWER: Yes. There was an effort to even take hostages and people had plastic ties to do that. If you look at this video, it was the real Trump supporters who […]

Tracking Apps – The Total Surveillance is Here!

  COMMENT: Marty; like you, I am a programmer. I see the future is very much like the Matrix. I do not understand why people in government feel the need to control everything and everyone. This is not the world I want my daughter to grow up in and she is just three years old. […]

Biden will be President Even if it Leads to the Break up of the USA

Well, our computer was projecting the 8th would be more important than the 6th. The events today pretty much confirm that. Trump told his supporters to go home and Pence issued a letter stating he does not have the power to overrule Congress. As I have been warning, that I did not believe Trump would […]

The Threat of this Triumvirate to Everything that is Freedom

Make no mistake about this, we have the merger of three theories as part of this Great Reset which has merged the old ideas of a one-world government with Schwab’s idea of resurrecting Communism for only the lower classes. Gates wants to reduce CO2 and the population, Soros wants a one-world government headed by the […]

The Rise of China

QUESTION: Martin, Thanks for a great report on your private blog regarding population and cycles. These Great Reset people are killing the whole world! As an American who has lived in China since 1996, and has followed you since your incarceration, I am a huge believer in cycles and a student of Asian philosophy and […]

The Sovereign Debt Crisis Report for General Public $75

We have issued a special report on the Sovereign Debt Crisis and why we even have this Great Reset and where we are headed. This report provides also a historical review of previous sovereign debt defaults and what was the outcome. Some people try to claims that this is the precursor to revolution. That only […]

Sovereign Debt Crisis Report $75

We have issued a special report on the Sovereign Debt Crisis and why we even have this Great Reset and where we are headed. This report provides also a historical review of previous sovereign debt defaults and what was the outcome. Some people try to claims that this is the precursor to revolution. That only […]