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Gold v Digital Fiat & Marxism

QUESTION: Hi AE…so gov’t “money” (fiat currency) will become just some abstract floating measurement of value, an electronic entry in an electronic account in the cybersphere. As these various so-called gov’ts become less reliable, even between themselves, do you see the possibility of them simply skipping their phony currencies, & trading directly in gold. Russia […]

Fox News – “ominous Great Depression warning”

Fox Business is reporting that economic conditions are much worse than you are being told.  Unfortunately, this is the conclusion when you have ZERO understanding of the historical trends and economic conditions. It is true that the shortages of COVID have caused prices to rise faster than economic growth and most incomes.  Therefore, they conclude that […]

Market Talk – January 26, 2023

ASIA: The Bank of Japan should let government bond yields move more flexibly and be ready to raise short-term interest rates swiftly if “significant” upside risks to inflation materialize, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) said on Thursday. In a proposal after an annual policy consultation with Japan, the IMF said the central bank’s ultra-loose monetary […]

Hoards Are Vital to our Understanding of History

QUESTION: Why do you buy hoards? It is interesting. Just curious. JY ANSWER: The coinage is the ONLY way to truly confirm the history. Much of the most important periods like the 3rd century AD, the fall of the Republic, or the Revolution during the Debt Crisis of the 1st century BC known as the […]

The Coming Great Global Default

QUESTION: Dear Martin Could you please describe more in detail what you are expecting when talking about the breakdown of the monetary system? Will there be differences between countries like Germany and Switzerland for example? Especially regarding pension systems. I assume, there might be big differences between countries. Many thanks and best regards, R. ANSWER: […]

The Coming Wealth Tax – Pocahontas’ Dream Come True

Elizabeth Warren’s Wealth Tax is now moving forward in the leftmost Democratic States – California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Maryland, New York, and Washington state. Naturally, Pennsylvania, Delaware, and New Jersey are paying very close attention as they lick their lips at the thought of untold billions in new revenue to cover faltering government employee pension […]

Market Talk – January 17, 2023

ASIA: Rising home prices and rentals in large Indian cities could pose a new challenge to the country’s central bank in its fight against inflation, even though headline consumer price rises have likely peaked, analysts warn. Housing rentals and ancillary costs have a 10.07% weightage in India’s consumer price inflation basket and are near three-year […]

Why Are Ancient Coins Rising in Price?

QUESTION: I went to the New York show and I sat in on that CNG auction to watch the Diocletian medallion. A friend said you told him you thought it would bring $750,000 on an estimate of $500,000. Well, it brought $1.9 million to everyone’s shock. It seemed that prices were generally double estimates on […]

Is the Fed a Den of Thieves? Or Independent?

COMMENT: The Fed….why would anyone put a greedy fox in charge of the hen house. Mr. Armstrong, you, of all people have more than a passing acquaintance with the corruption of the big banks. And these are the kindly gentlemen that have been appointed to “guide” monetary policy for our greater good. Simply don’t understand […]

Our Extreme Long-Term Model Forecasting Tools

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, Your reputation precedes you. They call you the legend because you have been the only analyst who forecasts events years in advance. Throughout the rise and fall the stock market, you called for only 2 year correction from 2000 and 2008 and the market would remain in a bullish trend. I read […]