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Market Talk – July 6, 2020

ASIA: China has warned the UK not to interfere with Hong Kong following Beijing’s imposition of a sweeping new national security law. Ambassador Liu Xiaoming said the UK’s offer of a path to citizenship for up to three million Hong Kongers amounted to “gross interference.” British Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab rejected the accusation. Earlier, a […]

Market Talk – July 2, 2020

ASIA: The US Senate has approved a final version of legislation that would punish China for moves that lawmakers fear will crush democratic freedoms in Hong Kong. The move by lawmakers comes as China has passed a controversial national security law for Hong Kong that lends Beijing sweeping new powers over the semi-autonomous city. The […]

Market Talk – June 29, 2020

ASIA: A new strain of flu that has the potential to become a pandemic has been identified in China by scientists. It emerged recently and is carried by pigs, but can infect humans, they say. The researchers are concerned that it could mutate further so that it can spread easily from person to person, and […]

Market Talk – June 18, 2020

ASIA: China’s Oppo canceled the live online launch of its flagship smartphone in India on Wednesday after a border clash between the two countries that has renewed calls from local Indian trader groups to boycott Chinese goods. The clashes risk souring sentiment for big Chinese investors who were eyeing the Indian market and already faced […]

Market Talk – June 12, 2020

ASIA: Twitter has removed more than 170,000 accounts from its platform after the social media site found state-linked influence campaigns from China focusing on Hong Kong protests, Covid-19, and the US protests in relation to George Floyd. The company announced on Thursday that 23,750 core accounts, and 150,000 “amplifier” accounts that boosted the content posted […]

Market Talk – June 11, 2020

ASIA: Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison said that he would not be intimidated or give into coercion when asked on Thursday whether Australia would keep taking hits on exports from major trading partner China. “We are an open-trading nation, mate, but I’m never going to trade our values in response to coercion from wherever it […]

German Companies Plan to Reduce Investments

According to a recent survey conducted by the Institute for Economic Research (Ifo), German companies plan to reduce investments by 50% this year due to the lingering effects of the coronavirus. In fact, 28% of companies reportedly already canceled investments. The manufacturing sector, the heart of the German economy and therefore the entire Eurozone, purportedly […]

Wikipedia, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter – All Social Media is Being Manipulated by the Left

The media which everyone knows is now so biased and manipulated, has the audacity to claim that Trump’s new Executive Order threatens free speech. The problem is their view of “free” speech is to twist whatever they desire to fit their agenda. Here is CNN and how they manipulate statistics to put out fake stories. […]

Market Talk – May 29, 2020

ASIA: President Donald Trump launched a blistering attack on China on Friday, and announced a slew of retaliatory measures that will plunge US-China relations deeper into crisis. “They’ve ripped off the United States like no one has ever done before,” Trump said of China, as he decried the way Beijing has “raided our factories” and […]

Market Talk – May 22, 2020

Due to the US bank holiday on Monday, “Market Talk” will resume on Tuesday, May 26. ASIA: Chinese President Xi Jinping said on Wednesday on the 20th anniversary of Macao’s return to China that the “One Country, Two Systems” principle is totally feasible and enjoys broad public support with characteristics of Macao. Xi made the […]