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Will 2022 be the High in Temperatures?

QUESTION: I seem to recall that you said 2022 on your computer was a Directional change in temperature and a retest of the 1930s was likely. Could you elaborate on that again since we have high temperatures as your computer warned? RB ANSWER: I think you are referring to the study we did on New […]

Germany to Bail Out Uniper

Germany and Finnish parent company Fortum signed a $15.24 billion deal to save energy company Uniper. In return, Germany will take a 30% stake in the company. Uniper reported only receiving a fraction on contracted gas from Russia’s Gazprom since mid-June, and it seems shipments may continue to slow or cease entirely. Uniper has been […]

Market Talk – July 19, 2022

ASIA: China’s banks have detailed 2.11 billion yuan ($312 million) of loans at risk to the increasing number of homebuyers refusing to pay mortgages on unfinished homes, as fears grow over a potential spillover into the wider financial sector. State-owned Agricultural Bank of China Ltd. said Thursday it held 660 million yuan of overdue loans […]

70% of 10-Year-Olds Cannot Read After Lockdowns

Children suffered the worst long-term consequences of the lockdowns. “The State of Global Learning Poverty: 2022 Update,” found that an alarming 70% of middle and lower-class 10-year-olds across the globe cannot read. There is no greater freedom than knowledge, and reading comprehension is essential to our modern-day existence. “Only the richer segments of the population—those […]

World Bank: The Poor Will Suffer From Carbon Taxes

  The World Economic Forum is praising Denmark for implementing the world’s strictest carbon tax laws. Companies will soon be forced to pay $159 for every tonne of CO2 emitted, marking an additional $53 per tonne. The government claims this will cut CO2 levels by 3.7 million tonnes in just one year. “This incentivizes companies […]

British Politics – Johnson Resigns Taking the Pound With Him

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; You rather bluntly rejected meeting with our PM. It looks like you were correct. Will we now turn to Labour to kill the British pound? HJ ANSWER: Boris Johnson is a disgrace. I had heard that he was untrustworthy and I think he has tried to lie his way out of too […]

Market Talk – July 5, 2022

ASIA: India’s gold imports in June nearly trebled from year-ago levels on correction in prices and as jewelers replenished inventories after robust sales during a key festival, Reuters reported. Higher imports by the world’s second-biggest bullion consumer could support benchmark gold prices, but the surge may increase India’s trade deficit and put pressure on ailing […]

Will the Fed Reverse Course?

QUESTION: Marty, It seems like the Epoch Times is reporting nonsense. They just posted an article claiming that some analyst I never heard of claims that the Federal Reserve is “likely to reverse course and continue to print substantial amounts of money because doing otherwise would threaten the federal government with insolvency.” With the demand […]

Macron Tells Biden to Rethink Energy Plans

French President Emmanuel Macron pulled US President Joe Biden aside at the G7 summit to explain a few basic facts. Biden has been demanding Middle Eastern nations ramp up their oil and gas production to help offset the energy crisis his administration has created. It’s ok to drill and take from the environment as long […]

Fuel Shipping Costs Soar

The cost of shipping has added another variable to the complicated global inflation and energy crisis. According to the Baltic Exchange data as reported by Bloomberg, hauling rates have reached a high not seen since April 2020. The TC-5 passage commonly used to transport fuel from the Middle East to Japan cost around $61 per […]