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Biden Claims He Can Prevent People from Traveling State to State with Fauci Support

Biden told the press before calling Governor DeSantis of Florida was “irresponsible” for opening up when other states were locked down. Biden objected to Florida opening up last September. “What do you have to have to have these industries back up? You have to have people from New York, Philadelphia, Boston, Minneapolis, you’ve got to […]

Was Trump the Right Person?

QUESTION: Do you think Trump is the right person to lead the charge against the swamp? FM ANSWER: The one qualification Trump had was a thick skin. They have so attacked him from every possible angle it is hard to separate the real issues from Trump the person. So if Trump tried to run again, […]

Market Talk – February 5, 2021

ASIA: Australian farmers have warned that the country’s trade dispute with China and supply chain disruption linked to the coronavirus pandemic will cost the industry $28bn over the next decade. In a pre-budget submission published on Friday, the National Farmers’ Federation appealed to the government to invest A$3.5bn (US$2.66bn) to support a trading strategy aimed […]

The Foolishness of Shifting to Renewables

Biden shut down the Keystone Pipeline from Alberta, but what people do not realize is the environmentalists are out for blood. They are pushing to shut down pipeline #5 that supplies a large portion of Michigan homes the energy to stay warm. Line 5 supplies 65% of the propane demand of the upper portion of […]

Trump’s Impeachment Trial set for February 8th

  I always find it very interesting how our model picks up key targets in time in advance and then the fundamentals unfold to fit the computer forecasts. Schumer has just set the date for the trial of Trump to start February 8th. Our model had forecast that the week of the 4th would be […]

Only Experience Clears the Vision

QUESTION: Hi Martin, I grew up under communism, in Romania and now have been living in Canada for more than 20 years, moving here in my 30s. We considered ourselves so lucky to be living here till Trudeau took over the reins. I’ve been following your post for a year now and I like your […]

The Egomaniacs & the Thinking Process

QUESTION: You have had billions. Why did that not make you as insane as Gates, Soros, Zuckerberg, and Dorsey? DG ANSWER: BigTech sees the power to overthrow the banks. They have promised worldwide that they want everyone in the banking system to end paper money, which is over 1 billion people (just read the IMF). […]

Complete Collapse in Economic Theories

QUESTION:  Hi Martin, the dollar’s performance bucks logic, especially with Federal Reserve officials spending all week to deny any speculation of a tapering soon in relief measures or an imminent hike in interest rates standing at near zero. But what made the whole thing even more bizarre was the dollar’s defiance of the rocketing U.S. […]

The Future & What is Really Going On

  QUESTION: This civil war you talk about. Is it Republican v Democrat? Is this because your precious Trump lost? FH ANSWER: Look, this is the computer forecast and you can go back years and see that this forecast was made before Trump ever ran for office. Make no mistake about it, that this is […]

OPINION & Impeachment

QUESTION: What is your opinion of Trump? Was he right or wrong? Should he be impeached or not? GC ANSWER: My opinion does not matter. The politics will decide the direction of the markets and we have to look at the impact on capital flows objectively. That is why the forecasts from Socrates are far […]