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Germany to Separate North v South by 2030

QUESTION: Martin, Following the recent State elections in Saxony, Brandenburg and Thuringia which reflected voter disillusionment and discontent with the CDU and SPD how do you view the German political scene to the 2021 Federal election? JR REPLY: Bavaria came into existence in 1806 when Napoleon abolished the Holy Roman Empire. It was at this […]

Market Talk – November 13, 2019

ASIA: More protests occurred overnight in Hong Kong as students and police have been clashing. China will most likely intervene in Hong Kong as their previous “hands off” policy is not providing the desired result. China released a new submarine. The JL-3 has a range of up to 7,500 miles and could reach the US […]

Market Talk – November 12, 2019

ASIA: China is trying to implement a digital currency and be the first in the world to do so. “We know the demand from the general public is to keep anonymity by using paper money and coins…We will give those people who demand it anonymity in their transactions,” Mu Changchun, head of the People’s Bank of […]

The Fraud of Climate Change

There are hard links between the world’s largest financial groups, including Goldman Sachs, pushing the climate change agenda by selling “Green Bonds” which are the latest scheme on how to lose a lot of money very fast. They promise to be great sellers as they whip people up into believing they can do their part […]

Misrepresenting Our Forecast for the Start of Big Bang 2015.75

COMMENT: I find it really shocking how people are slandering you claiming you forecast that 2015.75 would be the collapse of everything instead of the peak in governments and the beginning of the decline and fall. You have made that very clear that this was the turning point to begin the change. It was the […]

Market Talk – November 1, 2019

ASIA: The Asia Pacific trade pact is in jeopardy of stalling after India voiced last minute hesitations. The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) would free trade between 16 countries whose collective GDP composes 1/3 of the global economy. Leaders from all 16 nations are set to meet in Bangkok on Monday. However, India voiced reluctancy […]

Market Talk – October 30, 2019

ASIA: Chile has canceled the APEC summit due to domestic protests. The summit was due to take place next month where it was expected that the US and China may sign an agreement for “phase 1” of the trade deal. US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said today that the deal is still expected to be […]

Why Britain Use to be the Financial Capital of the World

QUESTION: Why was Britain the financial capital of the world before the first world war? Are you saying it was not their gold reserves? Thank you for the clarification PCV ANSWER: It was never the British gold reserves. It was the unique talent of the British who were traders in the city by nature. Perhaps […]

This Year’s World Economic Conference

We'd like to thank everyone who joined us at the World Economic Conference in Orlando. We'd especially like to thank our returning clients for their loyalty and continued support.

If you were not able to attend, we will be providing a video of the event shortly.

Market Talk – October 22, 2019

ASIA: No real news coming out today regarding the US and China trade deal. Positivity surrounds the recent round of talks, although phase 1 has not been approved. However, China is still pressing the US to lift all tariffs prior to a deal being reached. Still, there are a few non-tariff related issues that are […]