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Our European Tour

Our European Tour this season has been very enlightening including meetings with politicians, corporations and many of the top banks. The concern centers around the ECB having to change policy with regard to negative interest rates. The net result has been to create massive hoarding of cash rather than spending cash for the sake of […]

Refugee Crisis Tearing Europe Apart

The European Commission is close to triggering Article 7 on Poland for refusing to accept refugees. Article 7 is called the “nuclear option” that denies a member the right to vote.  The Commission is reported to be preparing infringement proceedings against Warsaw for breaching EU law over its plans to bring the judiciary under government […]

Google’s Antitrust Case in Europe

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Is Google really violating European antitrust laws to warrant such a huge fine or is this really a trade war? KQ ANSWER: It’s a trade war. Granted, the EU hit Google with a record-breaking fine of €2.4 billion ($2.7 billion, £2.1 billion) by European regulators who accused the California-based technology giant of abusing its […]

Euro Rally

Once the Euro closed above the Weekly Bullish Reversal last week, we have rallied strongly simply on comments from Draghi that a strong Euro is good. It is hard to contemplate his reasoning since this increases the debt burden of Southern Europe and reduces German export competitiveness. His comments that changing police will come September. […]

Private Blog – Euro

Private Blog – The Euro

Private Blog – Euro

Private Blog – Euro Update

Euro Update for Month-End Closing of June

Private Blog Update for June Month-End Closing in the Euro/Dollar Please note: While our blog is free to the general public, our Private Blog posts are not accessible on They are only accessible on our sister website, This website is a membership only service, and Private Blog posts are only available to members. […]

European Refugee Crisis Was Created in an Undemocratic Manner The very issue of the European Refugee Crisis highlights the entire problem with the European Union. There is no democratic union whatsoever. The issue of accepting refugees was a unilateral decision by Merkel alone. It was never put to vote in Europe. Once the migration turned to a full blown crisis, Merkel then insisted […]

Euro Update

  Please note: While our blog is free to the general public, our Private Blog posts are not accessible on They are only accessible on our sister website, This website is a membership only service, and Private Blog posts are only available to members. To learn more about Standard Membership Level, click […]

European Commission Trying to Seize Control of Euro

I reported previously that the European Commission is seeking to take the clearing of the Euro derivative transactions from London and move them to Paris. The European Central Bank (ECB) is warning that it must secure strong access rights for the supervision of the cross-border settlement of financial transactions after the departure of Great Britain from […]