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Money & The Two-Tier Digital Monetary System

The Gold Promoters have so poisoned the well with nonsense that has been tried countless times before and failed, that their insistence upon tangible money is seriously disrupting the ultimate resolution of our critical economic illness. I have explained that even making money gold coins will not prevent it from being a fiat currency. Coinage […]

Coming Digital Cashless Unbacked Monetary System

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I have been following you for a few years now and am impressed with your historical perspective in all areas of finance. We are currently in some interesting times indeed.   I see so many bloggers stating that there is going to be either an outright gold standard, or some form thereof. I […]

The Ultimate Mind Game – To Crash or just Correct

QUESTION: Hi Martin, Thanks for your great work, it is a pleasure to read your articles and your explanations about gold, government debt and the stock market. Your last article has me confused, however. I have learned from your articles that a crash in the stock market can only occur when the retail investors are […]

The Share Market

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; First let me begin by thanking you for your dedication to try to help society. The vast majority are only out to hurt people and see everything as what is in it for them. You take so much abuse for actually trying to help people it is a wonder why you do […]

The Coming Cycle Inversion in Metals

QUESTION: Dear Martin, I have followed your work for years and thank you very much for the public service you perform on a weekly basis. We have been forewarned on repeated occasions about major turns in the World due to your outstanding work on Cycles and the ECM. Here is my question. In early 2014 […]

Paper v Physical

QUESTION: Hi Mr. Armstrong, Almost daily one reads from the gold media about the discrepancy between paper and physical gold. The gold bugs make their case by saying, that despite the weak price of paper gold, the demand for physical gold has never been better. To me it is just a bunch of hooey. If […]

Real Estate & Earthquakes

QUESTION: You wrote that real estate would rally into 2015.75. You also said that real estate is highly regional. So far here in Vegas, property is up about 25% since you wrote that. You are really amazing in your analytical skills. I understand why they came after you thinking that it was merely what you said […]

Best Trades Are Always Emotional

QUESTION: Hi Martin, Two questions for you. 1.  I’ve read you say something to the effect of your best trades were the ones where you wondered why the heck you just did what you did.  I have also found all my best trades scared the pants off of me right after I made them.  Why […]

Manipulating Markets

I get a lot of questions regarding to what extent can the Club manipulate markets? Ironically, the more open a market including futures, the less ability their ability to manipulate even for brief periods. Preventing or limiting markets from trading devolves a market into a corner where it can be controlled. There will always be […]

Tax Revolts and that 309 Year Cycle

QUESTION: Sir, I enjoy reading your writings and find them extremely thought provoking, and ultimately very common sense to me. I have to say though Iam not sure about your assertion that governments will tax and tax. I believe they are trying, and will continue to do so, but take a look at the upheaval […]