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China & the Dollar

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; It is true that China will stop supporting the dollar and will become a net seller? The Goldbugs are claiming the dollar is dead buy gold. But they seem to use every reason to justify only buying and it rarely proves to be true. If there’s anyone who knows what is really […]

Breakup of Great Britain – 309 Year Cycle

  Medal of Queen Ann Celebrating the Union of England and Scotland 1707 QUESTION:  Dear Mr Armstrong, It’s great to read you blog and get an insight as to the way the world is heading and why. One thing I noticed was your 309 year cycle and wondered if that would have any reflection on […]

Capital Flows & Currency Flows

QUESTION: A number or people have asked where to get capital and currency flow data. ANSWER: The capital flows you can obtain from OECD. You have to take the Capital Account and Current Account. We get the raw data that is faster. The Capital Account reflects capital inflows typically for investment, stocks, bonds, real estate, […]

Real Estate Outside USA

  JAKARTA QUESTION: Marty, Many thanks for your fantastic website and daily insights to how the world really works. You are very good at making the muddy waters of economics crystal clear. In the downturn after 2015 will Asia slow as much as the west? I live in Indonesia. Property prices in Jakarta have almost tripled […]

Private People are Better Care-Takers than Academics or Government.

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong- First, thank you for all the research you provide the investment community. I have been duly cautious thanks to your web site — note  I first learned of you through …  web site & and article in The New Yorker. If there has been any lesson to date over the past […]

Hyperinflation Definition

QUESTION: It seems some people play with the definition of hyperinflation and try to claim that is just 25% or more. This just does not seem right. Can you elaborate? ANSWER: Real hyperinflation is in the thousands of percent, We saw inflation hit 25% numerous times including going into 1980. The dollar did not die. […]

The Tree has been Cut – Electronic Money Will Force an Underground Economy based on Barter

QUESTION:  Martin, I’m trying to wrap my head around a couple of things… One of your recent blog entries mentioned, “The role of the metals will be as an alternative currency to ELECTRONIC when they terminate “printing” paper money,” and “The only real role for gold will be as an alternative currency not to the […]

The Bitcoin Hearing

The Chairman of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Tom Carper gathered a witness list for the hearing that went on for several hours that was a chain of people who reflect the new attitude within the Bureaucracy that lies beneath the surface. The list included: The Homeland Security committee Criminal Division of […]

Congressional Hearings on BitCoin

On Monday, Congress held its first congressional hearing on virtual currencies focusing on bitcoin. As Congress discussed bitcoin, the price of one bitcoin soared to more than $750 apiece. Overlooked was the concern focused on anonymity and lack of regulation. Personally, it is hard to imagine a world where they will allow bitcoin to survive when they […]

Negative Interest Rates & Eliminating Cash – The Summers’ Solution

A speech delivered by Larry Summers at the IMF Research Conference on Nov. 8, 2013, has caused a real stir and is being hailed as brilliant, succinct, and a ground-breaking presentation that explained what many say is the most pressing economic matter of our time. The speech is being widely praised of course by Paul […]