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Obama Opposed Raising the Debt Ceiling in 2006

The Washington Post has noted that Obama was opposed to raising the Debt Ceiling back in 2006. Here is his actual speech. March 16, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE S2237-2238: “Mr. OBAMA. Mr. President, I rise today to talk about America’s debt problem. The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is […]

Lower the Liquidity = Greater the Volatility

The hike in VAT to 19% targeting collectors that will apply to silver coins is a bit convoluted yet, but so far it appears that buyer’s purchasing from German auctions and living in Germany will have to pay that tax. There is a lot of negotiating still going on at moment so we’ll see once […]

Silver Subject to 19% Taxation as of January 1st, 2014

In Germany, the Bundestag and the Bundesrat have decided to increase the VAT on silver coins and bullion. From January 1st onward, the tax on silver coins in Germany will jump from 7% to 19%. This new tax rate applies to silver bullion coins as well as collector coins. The change in the VAT rate […]

One-Issue Generation – The View From Texas

COMMENT: Hello Martin I was talking to one of my friends and I was complaining about the “Me” generation.  They pointed out that people in the USA usually have one issue that they care about.  They are dubbed the “Single issue voter” You are so right – here in Austin real estate is going up […]

Give them Games & Free Food and Politicians Can Steal Everything

The French 75% tax on anyone making more than €1 million has resulted in the collapse of sports in France. The soccer players can earn far more money in any other country than they can in France. The people who typically own teams are millionaires who have nothing else to spend their money on. At the […]

Donating to Promoters & Bankers – The Wall Street Charity

QUESTION: Martin, you said in a recent blog: “Gold peaked with the low in the ECM in 2011 and it should rise after 2016 into 2020. This is a matter of the overall business cycle.” Have you now changed your major low in gold forecast from the original before or in Jan 2014 to now in […]

Clarification Euro

“The Monthly Bullish Reversal stands at 14700. Technical resistance for a possible January high stands at 145-147 followed by 156 and 178.” The Reversal is our system target for the maximum high. The “Technical” resistance is simply levels within the market where they exist. This is not a forecast. It is a MAP. In other […]

The Hunt for Whatever is not Nailed Down

QUESTION: “If the new reserve currency that will emerge will be electronic, and no gold standard is possible, why will governments confiscate gold? If the great deflation strikes after 2015.75 all assets can go down a lot in value, so is not good to hoard cash, common u$s bills at your home, or will cash […]

They are Calling it a Collapse in Capitaism

The view of the American budget crisis from outside the USA is one that is blaming Wall Street and the banks and calling for the next crisis to be the final meltdown of Capitalism. This view is rising around the world. The fact that it is just pushed off into January with the funding ending […]

The Solution

QUESTION: Dear Mr.Armstong Reflecting on your thought written “Solutions” is the QE process partially accomplishing the thought of eliminating Public Debt and just print money for Government services. Federal debt of $17 trillion, of which $11 trillion is held by foreign nations. The remaining $6 trillion can be eliminated with QEs. If there is incentive […]